The Date

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Barri's POV

Michael and I both got over the flu. The sun was shining brightly in my face this morning. So I opened my eyes. That's when I saw the bedroom door open. I looked to find out who opened the door. I looked and there was my handsome boyfriend Michael. "Good morning Baby." He kissed my lips and smiled. "Good morning Honey." I smiled back. "Baby, we haven't actually gone on a date, even though we have been a couple for about 5 months." "Yeah, we have been having crazy lives. Starting with the fact that I couldn't walk for 3 of those months and then you went to the hospital for another one of those months and then you have to go to rehearsal all the time." "Baby, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date. It would have to be tonight though, I have rehearsal during the day." "What would we do on this date?" "You'll see." Michael had a smirk on his face, so he had to be planning something good. "It's a date." I smiled . Michael picked me up in the air. "Yay, you have no idea how happy I am. Baby, trust me, you're going to like this date." He put me down and he kissed me. It was very passionate and only came to a stop when my stomach growled. Michael and I started laughing. "Come on, let's go downstairs to get some breakfast." Michael grabbed my hand and we went downstairs. When we approached the table Mrs. Jackson was putting the food on the table. Michael pulled out my chair and I sat down. Just then Michael's sisters came and sat at the table as well as Marlon and Randy. We said our good mornings and our grace for the food.  Then Joe came down, looking scary as always. He sat at the table. He stared at me. It was making me uncomfortable. I guess Michael could tell because he grabbed my hand. One uncomfortable breakfast later, Joe spoke. "Well boys, what are you doing still sitting here? Get to rehearsals." "Michael I think you better go." I still remembered what happened the last time Michael didn't listen to his father." Michael kissed me on the lips. "I'll see you later." "Bye honey." I watched him leave. I was excited to go on this date, but I didn't have anything to wear. Then Janet came over to me smiling. "Hey Barri. I notice you and Michael haven't gone on a date yet Even though you have been a couple for about 5 months." "Well if this is going where I think it's going, Michael and I are going on a Date tonight." Janet started jumping up and down. " I can't believe it! I am going to make you look so pretty." "Me too." Latoya added. I just stood there and sighed. "What's the matter? Aren't you excited?" "Why, do you know what he's got planned for tonight Janet?" "No, but I know my brother. He's got something planned. Hey, what's wrong?" Janet frowned. "I don't have anything to wear." "Is that all." Janet grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room. She opened the closet. "Pick any outfit you want." I begin searching her closet for the perfect outfit. "Ooh, what about this one." Janet held out the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. "It's beautiful." "Well then just don't stand there try it on." I went into the room I stay in and put the dress on. I went back into Janet's room. I did the best walk I could. "Well what do you think." "Barri, I think it looks great on you." I put the outfit in the room I stayed in. The time was going by so slowly. Then Janet and Latoya came in the room. "Well, put the dress on. It's almost time for your date." I did as Janet said. I came out the bathroom and sat down. Janet did my make up as Latoya put my long brown hair into a bun. Then I heard the front door. Michael was home!

Michael's POV

I went out the door and to rehearsal. I sang and I danced with my brothers. I tried not to think of my date with Barri. I wanted my singing and dancing to be it's best. Finally rehearsal was over. I hurried home. I could hear Barri and my sisters giggling. I took a quick shower, and put on my suit. I happened to pick a rose on my way into the house. I took the rose and went into the hallway.

Barri's POV

I heard shower water running it stopped. Within Minutes I hear Michael calling my name. I came out the room and Michael's jaw dropped. "Like what you see?" "Mhm." He nodded his head. I let out a small chuckle. After he regained his composure he spoke. " A rose for my lovely lady." He smiled as he handed me the rose. "Thank you." That's when I had a good look at him. He looked fantastic. "You look great Michael." "And you" I couldn't stop smiling. We linked arms as we walk down the stairs. I saw Mrs. Jackson. "Can you put this in some water?" "Of course." She smiled at us as she took the rose from my hand. "Aren't you two the cutest couple." Mrs. Jackson smiled at us. "Well mom, since I told you I would always tell you my whereabouts, we're going on a date." "Have fun you two." Then Mrs. Jackson's face turned serious. "Not to much fun." So Michael and I left. Of course we took plenty of security. We finally arrived at the place. The owner had closed it just for Michael, otherwise he would have been mobbed. We placed our order. Within 2 minutes we already got our food. We ate and it was delicious. We talked about random things. We laughed until tears were falling down our faces. We shed tears at each other's saddest memories. Then slow music started playing. Michael smiled at me. "May I have this dance." Michael held out his hand to me. I gladly took his hand. "Of course, Honey." We go into the middle of the floor. I put my left hand on his neck. He put his right hand just above my waistline. He linked his left hand with my right hand Unsurprisingly, he was a good dancer. I definitely felt the Sparks flying in between us. I was shocked when he complemented my dancing. "Baby, you are a really good dancer." "Thank you." As we danced our bodies got closer. Soon my head was on his chest.

Michael's POV

We ate and talked. Then we danced. Soon my lips touched hers. Then we soon we were making out. Then I remembered that I still had more things planned for this evening. "Baby, we have to go if we are going to do all the stuff on my list." "There's more?" Barri was smiling a huge smile. "There sure is." We got back in my car. Then we arrived at the movie theater that was also closed just for me. We decided on Cinderella. Tears streamed down our face as we watched Cinderella suffer. We cheered in triumph when Cinderella went to the ball. I turned to Barri. "You know Baby, Cinderella may be pretty, but you look so much better than her." She looked away. She was probably blushing. "And you are much more charming then Prince charming." We started leaning in we kissed for a few minutes. We pulled away and giggled at each other. We started watching the movie again. At last Cinderella married her Prince charming. The movie was over.

Barri's POV

According to Michael, he had even more planned. He took me for a ride on a gondola. I looked at the stars. "The stars sure are beautiful tonight." "Yeah, but none of them are more beautiful then you, inside and out." I couldn't help, but smile. "I didn't know that you could be this romantic, honey." "I guess I'm full of surprises." We both giggled a little. We got back in Michael's vehicle. We arrived at his house. We got out the car. "I had a great time tonight Honey." "So did I." We walked in the house arm in arm. "So, how did it go?" Of course Janet wanted to know. "Great." I smiled at the memory of my wonderful evening. "Tell me all about it, after you get into more comfortable clothes of course." I went upstairs. I took of my make up and let my hair down, I put on comfortable clothes. As I walked out the room, Janet walked into the hallway. "Let's go in my room." Janet suggested. I walked towards her room. Latoya was right behind us. I told them everything.

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hoped you enjoyed. As always HEAL THE WORLD.

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