Gone Missing.

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Barri's POV
It was a beautiful day in May. I was sitting on the couch next to Michael. "How did I get so lucky to find you?" "No I'm the lucky one, baby." He kissed you. The kiss was interrupted by the sound of children. "Mama." You opened your mouth in shock. "Violet, did you just say your first word?" "I think she did." Suddenly, security ran into the house. "Mr. Jackson, someone by the name of Bri Smith is at the gate. She seems distraught." "Tell her to come in." "Yes Mrs. Jackson." Bri came in holding her twin sons. Tears were pouring down her face. Her daughters ran to hug my daughters. I took her twin sons and put them with my twin sons. "Bri what's wrong?" "My husband has been missing for weeks. I told the police, but they didn't find him yet. What if he's dead or seeing another woman?" I hugged Bri. "Bri everything is going to be okay. Sit down. Can I get you anything?" Bri sat down. "Water would be nice." Michael got up and returned with the water. "Thank you." "Start from the beginning. When was the last time you saw him?" "We were at home and it was morning. So my husband went to work. Time passed and Stephanie asked about Kevin. I noticed that it was the time that he usually comes home. At first I was thinking that he was finishing up a case, but he never came back." "Look I'm sure there is a good explanation. Everything is going to be okay." "Has Michael ever disappeared for weeks?" "No, but when I couldn't see him for a week I was miserable. I know that you feel, awful. Let's take your mind off of things. We were just about to have dinner. We'll be more than happy if you join us." We all sat at the table. We said grace. We ate. "That was delicious." We went in the living room. The kids played on the floor. We played monopoly. "You can be the banker if you want Bri." "Okay." We played the game. Time passed. "That's my property and it has a hotel. Pay up." " Baby, I'm your husband. You wouldn't make me pay all of that money." "I don't make the rules. Pay up." "Fine." "The baby kicked!" I rubbed Bri's belly. We continued to play the game. At last the game was over and I had won. I looked at the clock. "We should all head to bed." "I'll just be going home then." "Nonsense. You will be staying here. Come on." I showed her to her room. Then we put the kids to sleep. Michael and I went in our room. "I really hope Kevin turns up soon." "Me too. Well, goodnight Baby." "Goodnight honey." Michael kissed me. I closed my eyes. "Daddy?" I opened them. Michael sat up. "Isabella your supposed to be asleep." "Daddy, Stephanie said her daddy's gone. Will you ever be gone?" Michael picked Isabella up. "You don't ever have to worry about not seeing me. Nothing in this world could ever keep me from you, your sister, your brothers, or your mom. Okay?" Michael kissed Isabella's forehead. "Okay Daddy." "Just call my name and I'll be there. Now let's get you back in bed." Michael carried Isabella out of our room. Michael returned. You both fell asleep. The next morning the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. "Good morning honey." "Good morning baby." Michael kissed you. You stretched. You climbed out of bed. You said good morning to everyone. "Barri, you and Michael have been very kind and hospitable. Thank you so much." "What are friends for?" "We are going to leave now." "Don't you want to stay for breakfast?" "If you insist." We sat down to have breakfast. "You know Barri, I think I'm going to be alright as long as I have you for a friend." "I am just trying to be as helpful as I can. After all, if I were in that situation, I would want someone to be kind to me." "I owe you big time." "No you don't. I use to cry on your shoulders all the time when Michael left after Kindergarten. I'm really returning you the favor." "I remember. You use to tell me all the time that Michael was your best friend and you would never get to play with him again." "Yeah and look at us now. You are going to be fine." "You said that you and Michael had to be separated for a week. Why?" "When I was pregnant with Isabella, my father-in-law was not happy. He chased us here to get rid of the baby. Before he could do anything I passed out. I remember waking up at the hospital, screaming, just wanting to know that my baby was okay. The doctor reassured me that everything would be fine, I just had to stay off of my feet. So I did. The next month Michael had to rehearse for his upcoming tour. I couldn't go with him. Really, it was suppose to be a month that we were apart, but I couldn't take it. So after 1 week I went after him." "So your father-in-law didn't want you to have a baby?" "He didn't even want me to be with his son. He thought I would ruin his career." "Wow. Did he try to stop your wedding?" "No that was my father who tried to stop the wedding." "And you got married anyways. That's love." Just then security rushed through the door. "Mr. Jackson, somebody by the name of Kevin Smith is at the gate." "Let him in." Kevin came through the door. "Kevin!" "Bri!" They hugged and kissed. "I was worried about you. When I went home you weren't there. So I guessed that you were here." "Where have you been Kevin?" "I went to save some people. I underestimated how many criminals were working together. So I got captured. I had to wait for someone to get me, but I'm alright." "Daddy!" "Stephanie!" Kevin hugged his oldest daughter. "Dada!" "Joanna!" He hugged his youngest daughter. Then he hugged his twin sons. "Thank you Barri. Thank you Michael. Thank you for everything." "No problem." They went out the door. "It feels good to help people." "It sure does. Were you really crying all the time when I left after Kindergarten?" "Yes. You're my favorite person." "You're my favorite person." We kissed.
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you all so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates. As always HEAL THE WORLD.

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