Where's Grandma?

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Barri's POV

Three days later we all got ready to leave the house. "Where are we going Daddy?" "You'll see." We all got in the limo. Finally, we arrived at the hospital. "What are we doing here?" "You have an appointment today. Remember?" "I don't want to go." We had already gotten Violet, Jaylen, and Jayden out of the car. Michael unbuckled Isabella's car seat. "Alright, let's go." "No!" "What?" "I don't want to go!" Isabella folded her arms. "Isabella Alina Katherine Jackson if you don't get out the car." "No mommy." She turned away. "I'll handle it baby." Michael reached out to grab Isabella. "NO!" Isabella kicked and screamed. "Isabella listen to me. Why don't you want to go in?" "The last time I was here that doctor twisted my arm." "Oh, I see. He was only helping." "But Daddy, it hurted." "I know little one, but he had to put your arm back in place." "Well is he going to do it again?" "I'm not sure, but I'm going to be right beside you the whole time." "You promise?" "Of course." "Okay." Isabella finally got out the car. "See I told you that you were good parent." I whispered to Michael. Michael smiled. We went inside the hospital with kids. We saw the Orthopedist. Isabella's arm was healing just fine. A couple weeks later, Isabella's arm healed completely. Time continued to passed. It was July.  I woke up. I kissed Michael. "Good Morning Honey." "Good morning Baby." We went to wake up the kids. My mother came over to us. "Good morning you two." "Good morning mom." "Yeah Good morning." "Listen, I've been thinking and um, I have to go to Indiana to file for divorce." "I don't know about that." "Barri, I'll be fine. I just need you two's permission to take a little time off." "Well you have my permission." "Thank you Barri. Michael?" "You have my permission as well." "Thank you." My mother went in her room. We woke up the kids. Half an hour later my mother came out with her suitcase. "Grandma, where are you going?" "Oh. I have some business to take care of. I'll be back soon. Okay?" "Okay." My mother kissed all of our children. Then she kissed me. "Bye mom." She hugged Michael. Michael hugged back. Michael's limo driver helped my mother with her suitcase. She went out the door. I sat down on the couch. "I never thought I would see the day that they got divorced." "I mean, to be fair, he was always horrible to her and you." "Yeah. You're right." "Come on. Let's have some breakfast." We helped the kids sit at the table. We had breakfast. The next day Janet came over. "Auntie Janet!" Janet hugged each of our kids. "Well I just came for a visit. So Janet soe t the whole day with us a left the next morning."The days passed on. A month had passed. One day the phone rang. I answered it.

Michael's POV

Barri's mother asked for time off so that she could divorce her husband. Barri and I both gave her permission to leave. The days passed by until a whole month passed. "Daddy when is grandma coming back?" "Soon Isabella. Ok it's time to go to bed." Barri and I put the kids to bed. Soon the phone rang. Barri answered it. "Hello? Yes." Barri lowered the phone slowly. I quickly gave her a hug. "Why?" "What happened?" "My dad beat my mom so bad. She's in the hospital right now and she's on life support." "Everything is going to be alright." "I knew that I shouldn't have let her go to him." I made Barri look me in the eye. "Don't you go blaming yourself. This is not your fault." "I just want to go to sleep." We went to bed that night. The next morning we woke up. We got the kids up and had breakfast. Barri picked at her food. "Barri you have to eat because you're pregnant." Barri took a few bites of her food. "Mommy are you okay?" "I will be just fine Isabella." Breakfast was over. The kids started playing. "Do you want to go see you're mother?" "I do not want to see her that way. I do not want my children to see her that way." "Okay."

Barri's POV

I answered the phone. The person on the other end told me that my mother had been beaten and was on life support. I was sad and my heart had such heaviness. Two more weeks passed. I had found a little joy when I watch my twin sons stand up for the first time and take their first steps as they held on the the couch. "Michael look." "Their walking, kind of." "Grandma has been gone for a long time. When will she be back?" "Soon Isabella." "That's what you said before daddy." You don't know when she's coming back do you?" Michael sighed. "No." "Is she okay." Before Michael could answer the phone rang. I answered it. "Hello?" "Hi." "Mom! Are you alright?" "I'm going to be fine." "When will you be back?" "Well the divorce has to be finalized and then I have to go to court to testify against your father so that he can go to jail for assault and battery. I don't know, but I do know that I get out the hospital in two days." "Well, that's good enough for me." I hung up. "Honey, mom's going to be okay!" "I told you everything will be okay." One week later your mom called to ask to be picked up from the airport. Soon she came through the door. "Grandma!" "Nana" The girls ran to their grandma. And hugged her. "Hi girls. Ouch" The girls had step back from their hug. "I guess I'm a little sore." "Why don't sit down? Here let me get that for you." Michael got her suitcase and put it away. Your mother sat on the couch. "Mom. I'm so glad you're home." "I'm glad to be home."

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you all so much for reading. I hope you guys enjoy. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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