Raining on Our Parade

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Barri's POV

It was December 24th 1984. That's right. Michael and I had been a couple for one year. I stretched  as I climbed out of bed. The day went by and Michael hadn't said a word to me. He was in the kitchen all day. Seven O'clock came and everyone made excuses to leave the house. Michael's sisters wanted to see a movie and they took Marlon and Randy with them. Michael's parents wanted to go on a date. "Hey baby, please come downstairs." So I walked down the stairs. I opened my mouth to complain about Michael not talking to me, but quickly shut it after seeing a table with candles on it. "Honey, what's all this?" "Well we've been in a wonderful relationship for a whole year and I wanted to do something special. It's not everyday that  relationships last a year." He pulled out a chair and I sat. He put the main course on the table. It was lasagna, my favorite. I instantly dug in. "This is delicious. Did you make this?" "Yeah." I was touched. Michael had made my favorite food for me. We made small talk about random things. Finally we went to our separate rooms. What a way to celebrate dating someone for a year! The sun came up. "Good Morning Baby." He kissed my lips. "Good morning honey." We went to the kitchen and had breakfast. Suddenly Michael grabbed my hand. "Come on, come on. It's almost time." "Time for what?" He just ignored my question and continued running out the door. I noticed Michael's sisters and Marlon and Randy and his parents come outside as well. What was going on? Fortunately, I had showered and put on presentable clothes. One by one I saw Michael's siblings and who I assumed was their families, climb out of their cars. Suddenly all of Michael's nieces and nephews screamed at the same time. "Applehead!" I quickly found out they were talking about Michael when they surrounded him and hugged him. I let out a small laugh. "So what's going on?" "It's Christmas. Just because we don't celebrate it doesn't mean we can't spend time together as a family." Michael and I went around and hugged his siblings and their spouses. Then Michael and I played with his nieces and nephews. We were all having a great time. That is until I was being pulled by the arm. Finally they stopped pulling. I turned and there was my parents to rain on our parade, but compared to what happened next, it was only a light shower. "Oh, honey come home with us." "I most certainly will not."

Michael's POV

I was playing with my nieces and nephews. I looked up and Barri was gone. I started walking. "Barri where are you!?" After walking for a while I saw her with her parents. "I said I am not going anywhere with you! Hi honey." She grabbed my hand and we went back with the kids. Her hand wasn't in mind anymore. I turned around and what I saw hurt my heart. She was hugging and conversing with another guy.

Barri's POV

I was walking with Michael when there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around. "Justin!" It was my big brother. I gave him a giant hug. "How did you find me?" "I talked to your best friend. She said she didn't know where you were. She told me about somebody named Julia so I asked her and here I am." "Yeah, and I still can't believe it." I gave him another hug. "Let me show you my boyfriend." I grabbed my brother's hand and dragged him along. Michael wasn't where I thought he would be. "I'm sorry. Did I just see Jackie Jackson!" I just laughed at my brother.

Michael's POV

I can't believe she was hugging and talking to another guy. I went in  my room and let the tears flow until I heard Barri call my name. I quickly wiped away my tears. "There you are honey." "Is that Michael Jackson." "Yes, Justin it's really him." "Honey, what's wrong?" She tried to rubbed my arm and turned away. "Don't play dumb with me!" "Honestly, I have no idea what you are talking about." "Just pack your bags and get out my house!" "Fine,but I guess my parents were right about you!    I'm going with them." Barri whispered. When I processed what she said I popped up and ran after her. I wouldn't wish for my worst enemy to be locked in a house with those people.

Barri's POV

I couldn't believe Michael. He was mad at me for I don't know what reason and he kicked me out his house. Honestly I never heard him take this tone before, I was a little scared. The tears fell down my face. As I approached the door I dried my face. I walked straight to my parents. "I'm going with you guys." "Oh, Barri we promise not to lock you in your room anymore." My mom hugged me. "Barri wait! Don't go with them please!" I turned around to face him. I frowned at him. "What do you care!" "Listen I'm ready to talk like the reasonable adults that we are." " I'm going with parents." "No, please." "Where am I suppose to go Michael?" "I know you don't want to go with them. Please talk with me." I didn't want to talk to Michael because I knew I would start crying, but Michael was right. I didn't want to go with my parents. I secretly hoped that Michael would want me back and tell me how much he loves me. "Fine. I have to go back to the house to pack anyways. I'll be back mom and Dad." I saw a little relief come across Michael's face. We went into Michael's room. "Alright Michael let's hear it."

Michael's POV

We were in my room. "Alright let's hear it." "Barri I am upset because I saw you hugging some guy. You were talking to him and laughing and smiling." "What guy?" I had to calm myself down. Why was Barri acting like she didn't know what I was talking about. "The guy you brought in here earlier. Come on. Admit it. You love someone else now." "Oh my brother?" "I knew it. Wait what?" Barri laughed. "Yeah I was walking with you when my brother tapped me on my shoulder. I had to say hi to him. I mean, I don't see him very often." "Barri, I am so sorry. I trust you it's just that I saw you hugging someone else I didn't know what to think. Will you forgive me please."

Barri's POV

I finally understood that this was all a misunderstanding, but now it was payback time for the hurt Michael just put me through. He asked me to forgive him. I turned around and folded my arms. "Please?" I remained silent. "Please Barri?" His voice started shaking. "Please?" He softly whispered. I knew he was crying. "I understand Barri I'd be mad at me too." I laughed as I unfolded my arms and turned around. "I'm not mad." "You're not?" "No. I mean I'd be jealous if I saw you hugging somebody else I don't know.." "You would?" "Yep." "So you forgive me?" "Yeah." "Why did you take so long to answer me?" "It was payback for you almost kicking me out your house. Let's call it even." "Ok." He hesitated. "Baby." "Honey, I would never cheat on you. I couldn't find anyone better than you if I tried." "Baby I'll always love you." "I'll always love you honey. I guess you can say I'll always be the lady in your life." We laughed at my very corny jokes. He leaned down toward me. He planted a kiss on my lips. The kiss became more passionate by the second. Suddenly my brother barged into my room. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything." "You're not interrupting anything." Michael replied. Michael gave a small smile. "It's just dad and your mother are waiting for you. Or should I tell them you're not coming." "Yep, tell them I'm staying. Oh, and Justin this is Michael Jackson my boyfriend. Michael this is my brother." They shook hands. "Hey, whatever happens, don't hurt my sister." "You got it Justin." So we went back outside. Justin told my parents I wasn't going with them. They left. I told my brother about all the things that happened in my life since December 20th 1983 until this point December 25th 1984. "Hey Baby why don't you see your brother very often?" "He travels for work. He designs some of the props on stages and stuff like that." "Oh, he said dad and Your mother?" "Yeah my dad used to be married to his mom. They got divorced. He married my mom. She conceived and here I am." "I see." Michael and I went to play with his nieces and nephews again. The day ended. "Hey sis, I still can't believe I was surrounded by the Jackson's today, speaking of which, Michael is alright by me. Just ignore your parents. Okay?" "Okay. Hey let's keep in touch this time okay." "I will call you all the time." We exchanged numbers. "Bye Justine." "Bye Barri. Bye Michael." "Bye Justin." "You're brother seems like a nice person." "He is." Long story short Michael kissed me goodnight. It may have rained on the parade, but I'm glad the storm ended before it was too late, you know me ending up with my parents again.
Thank you all so much for reading. I hoped enjoyed. Michael Jackson is forever innocent of any and all child molestation claims. And as always, HEAL THE WORLD.

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