horrible past

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Barri's POV

It was a normal day in March. I was sitting next to Michael. We were having a conversation about random things. Then Michael brought up something that brought horrible memories. "Old Ladies like to pinch your cheeks. That's a little irritating sometimes." "What did you say?" His comment brought back memories that I thought I had burried forever. Yet they came back up. I fought back tears. "Don't you find it annoying when Old ladies pinch your cheeks." I turned away from him. "What's wrong?" "Nothing!" "Come on you can tell me. Besides  I can only  help you if you  tell me what's wrong." "Help me! What can you possibly do about me seeing my Grandmother get kidnapped and murdered right in front of me!" Tears fell down my face. I covered my face with my hands. He reached out to hug me. I moved back. "Baby I'm so sorry." "Sorry is not going to bring her back!" He didn't say anything else. "I can't believe that I agreed to marry you! You're so insensitive! Here's your stupid engagement ring back!" In my anger I threw it. It hit Michael in his face. "Baby you don't mean that." I became so upset that I ran out of that house. I went to a park and sat on a bench. I looked at my hand and realised what I had just done. Now I cried even more. Michael loved me and I left him. Suddenly an old man approached me. "Are you okay?" "Not really." "Hey come with me. I'll get you some food." Something told me that I should return to Michael, but I didn't listen to my head. I followed him to a house. "You want me to go to your house?" "Yeah, I won't try anything I promise." "Fine." I rolled my eyes as I walked inside the house. The guy locked the door. He took his scarf off of his face. I gasp in horror. "When I was younger, I was married. I found out I couldn't have children. That's when she left me. I grew resentful. So one day I found her. I got in her car and drove it far away. Then I shot her. She had a child in the back. I told that child to not say a word. Fast forward, I tried to adopt and you ruined it for me. So now you will be my child, or I will kill you. Here's everything you need. Now put your PJs on and brush your teeth so you can go to bed." I take the stuff out his hand without question. I manage to find a bathroom and do as I am told. "Here is your room." I walk in and climb on the bed. The guy kissed my forehead. "Goodnight. Go to sleep and don't try anything, or I'll kill you." He turned off the lights. I was terrified. Then there was a knock at the door. I hear some talking although I couldn't hear what's being said. Suddenly the door is opened and the lights come on. "Can you believe Michael Jackson is at my door talking about how he has seen his girlfriend come in here. He said her name is Barri." "My name is Barri." I began to have a little hope. Michael came to rescue me. "I'm Barri." "Let's go." The guy grabs me and brings me to the door. "Whatever happens make sure he goes away. You got that?" I feel the cold gun barrel on the back of my head. "Hi Michael." "Baby please come home. I'm so sorry and I miss you so much." Then he noticed my clothes. "Why do you have on PJs." I heard the gun click. I fought back tears. I blinked slowly. Some tears fell. "Help me." I mouthed to him. I hoped that Michael could read lips. "Look you messed up. I'm staying here. You have to go." I saw Michael's sad face as he turned around and left. "Now I should have murdered him. He is part of the reason I don't have the girl that I was trying to adopt. Now get back to bed young lady." I went back in the room. I closed the door. Tears slipped down my face.

Michael's POV

One minute I was joking around with my fiancee. The next minute she was very upset. She revealed to me for the first time that she watch her Grandmother get kidnapped and killed. I told her I was sorry.  She told me she couldn't believe she was engaged to me and that I was insensitive. I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. She threw her engagement ring at me and it left a little scratch on my face. She ran out of the house. I shoved the ring in my pocket and hopped in a limo. "Drive after Barri!" I saw her on a park bench. She was crying. My heart was breaking. I got out the limo and I cautiously walk over to her. I didn't want her to unleash any more fury onto me anymore. As I walked over to her she left with this older guy. I ran back to my limo. "After her!" So we drove off again. I followed her all the way to a house. I didn't like this at all. This looked like a murder waiting to happen. I started getting out of the limo. "Hey! Where are you going?" "To get Barri." "What if he is dangerous?" "He's an older man I can handle him." "What about the paparazzi?" "It's the middle of the night. They should be sleep right now. Anyways, we're wasting time." "Well we'll all go with you. We'll be hiding in case anything goes down." "Fine." I walked up to the door and knocked on it. The older man opened it. I was shocked and horrified. I instantly remember that he was the one beating up Alina. I didn't let him see that I was shocked. "Can I help you?" "Yes I saw my girlfriend Barri walk in here and I just want to talk to her. Please." "Give me one moment please." I waited patiently until I saw her beautiful face. She looked horrified. "Hi Michael." "Baby please come home. I'm sorry and I miss you so much." That's when I noticed she was wearing PJs. She wasn't wearing PJs when she left my house. "Why do you have on PJs?" She grew tense and tears fell from my face. "Help me." Barri mouthed. "Look you messed up. I'm staying here. You have to go." I read her lips. So I knew that's not what she really wanted. I played along and put on my saddest face. I turned around. "So what's the plan guys?" "I think you lost her forever." "No she wants us to help her." "That's not what Barri said." "I know, but that's what she mouthed to me." "It must have been your imagination." "Guys can you just trust me on this one? Now what are we going to do?" "We could always hope she get the opportunity to call 911." Then I heard laughter. "This is not funny. We have to come up with a plan to get Barri out of there." "Why don't we just memorize the address. Then we go home call 911 and let the authorities deal with it." "Too much time would have passed between now and then. I put my hands over my face in frustration. "I got it. I can climb through the window and get her." "I don't think that's a good idea. How would you find her window and what happens if you alert him by making to much noise." "One of you can knock on the door and cause a distraction. That's when I'll sneak out back and go through the window." "How are you going to get all the way up to the window?" "Just watch me." So I went to the house next door and begged for a ladder. After receiving the ladder I headed out back. I lean the ladder against the wall. I climbed up hoping that one of these windows belonged to the room Barri was in.

Barri's POV

Tears still fell down my face. I remembered when I was trapped at my parents house and how Michael got me out the house through the window. I turned to the window and as if on cue I saw Michael's face. I must have imagined it, but still I walked to the window. I opened it. I still didn't believe my eyes. So I reached out to touch his face. I felt it so he must be there. I climb out the window and onto a ladder. When I reached the bottom. Michael returned the ladder to some neighbors. Then I went to the limo. Finally I was breathing normally again. Tears fell from my eyes as I grabbed on to Michael. "I'm sorry about talking about old ladies." "No I'm sorry. I was being ridiculous. You had no idea what happened to my Grandmother." I cried into his chest. "It's alright. Look we're home." We went inside. I went straight to a phone. "What are you doing?" "I let him escape before. I won't let him escape again" I dialed 911. " 911 What's the emergency?" " I just escaped a house." "Let me send an officer to you and you can tell him what happened. Okay?" "Okay." I gave the operator my address. I hung up the phone. "Barri I don't understand." Then the doorbell rang. I walked to the door. The security let in the officer. "Hi I'm the one who was calling on the phone." "Hello. I'm sorry you seem familiar." I took a look at the officer. It was the same officer who found me in the car with my dead Grandmother. "I wouldn't talk when I was 7. I must talk now." "You're the little girl who was in the car with the older lady." "Yeah." "We've been looking for her murderer for years." "I know where he is." "Okay so what happened?" "I was in the car with my nana because my parents went in the store. So a few minutes later this guy breaks the window and unlock the door. I started screaming. He looks at me and says 'shut up'. Tears fell down my face. My car had a AC in it and it was July so my parents left the key in the ignition so we could get some air. He started the car. I don't know where I ended up. I just know that he turned to my grandma and said 'If I can't have you no one else can either' and he shot her. Then he looked at me 'Don't tell anyone or I'm going to have to do to you what I did to your grandma.' Then he left. Fast forward to the other day. He was beating up this girl who Michael and I saved, but I didn't make the connection that it was him. Today I got mad at Michael and ran off. The guy covered his face. He pretended to be real nice, until I got to his house. He revealed himself and made me act like his child. He threatened to kill me. Michael saved me." That's when I saw Michael. He had been listening this whole time. The officer looked at Michael. "Oh, my. Are you the real Michael Jackson?" "The one and only." "I'm a huge fan. I listen to you with my whole family." "Thank you." Michael gave a smile, but I could tell he was irritated. "Can I have your autograph?" "Now is not the time." "How about after I arrest this guy." "Then we'll talk about it." "Okay. What's the address?" I gave the officer the address and he left. Michael wrapped me in a tight hug. "I'm so sorry." Tears were falling down his face. I cried into his shirt some more. "Michael?" "Yes?" "I love you honey." "I love you too baby." "I didn't mean what I said earlier. You're not insensitive." "Do you still want to marry me?" "Of course honey." He took something out of his pocket. It was  the engagement ring. He put it back on my finger. Michael kissed me. I kissed back. This kiss was the most passionate by far. That's when there was knock on the door. There was the police officer. "Can I get your autograph now?" "How did you get back so fast?" "Mr. Jackson sir, it's been 20 minutes." "Fine. I'll get a photograph and a pen." So Michael left. "How did you get so lucky to be at Michael's house? Are you a maid?" My mouth opened. Before I could reply Michael came back. "Here's your autograph." "Oh thank you Mr. Jackson." That's when Michael saw my mouth hanging open. "What did he do?" "He asked if I was a maid." "She's not a maid. Goodnight officer." The officer left. "Now where were we baby?" I smirked at him. He kissed me passionately. "I thought I heard talking out here. Hey cut that out!" "Yes Mom." "And go to bed." So I went to my room and found my own PJs. I put them on. I put the other ones in the trash bin. Michael gave me one final kiss and I fell a sleep as Michael went to his own room.
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates. As always, HEAL THE WORLD.

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