To Close for Comfort

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Barri's POV
It was a wonderful afternoon in May. Michael and I decided to watch a movie. So Michael was sitting on the couch and I was sitting on his lap. He had his arms around me and my arms were around him. We were watching Peter Pan. Then I heard Joseph talking. "Katherine I don't like how close those two are getting. She's going to ruin his career." "Joe they are grown. Now leave them alone." I shifted uncomfortably. "Baby what's the matter?" "Nothing honey." "You can talk to me. That's what I'm here for." "Really I'm fine." "Baby don't lie to me. Lying is never good for any relationship." I couldn't help but overhear Joseph. "You saw what happened when our other boys got married. The group that I put together, and managed no longer exist." That was a good point Joseph made. I was now fighting tears. "Baby just tell me what's wrong." "I um. I think we shouldn't see each other anymore, for your own good." I tried to get off of Michael lap, but he wouldn't let me go. He is strong for his size. Tears poured down my face. "Baby what are you talking about?" "Don't tell me you don't hear Joseph." "I see. Listen, Baby, Joseph's wrong. You're not going to ruin my career. In fact our relationship could give me inspiration for new songs." "I guess you're right." "No matter what Joseph says, I love you and that's all that matters." "I love you too." We leaned in and we kissed. "Hey stop that." We looked at Joseph. "Michael come here. I want to talk to you." "Yes Joseph. I'll be right back Baby." He walked over to Joseph. They started yelling.

Michael's POV
I was cuddling with my girlfriend. We were watching Peter Pan. Joseph was saying some ridiculous things. Barri became uncomfortable. I got her to tell me what was wrong. I told her to ignore Joseph. We kissed. Joseph came interrupting. "Michael come here. I want to talk to you." "Yes Joseph. I'll be right back Baby." "Michael, you may not believe me, but I'm telling you that girl is no good for you. She'll ruin your career, like all of your sister in-laws." "First, she's a woman. Second, she has a name. It's Barri. Third, she's not good for me, she's perfect for me. Fourth she won't ruin my career." "Oh, yeah. Then when is the next Jackson five tour." "It was time for us to end. We didn't have any new material." "With your genius brain, you could've had new material. You made an entire album after leaving your brothers. Believe me when I tell you she will ruin your career." "You're wrong Joseph. She will not ruin my career!" "Yeah because your going to break up with her!" "I will not!" "Then you will get the worst whipping of your life." His whippings were terrible, but nothing was going to make me leave Barri. I ran back to the couch. "So are you going to do what he told you to do?" "Of course not baby. I told you, I'd take a million whippings for you." "You know what. I had enough of this." Suddenly I was grabbed. I kicked and swung my arms. "Let me go!" "Joseph let him go!" "What's going on? Michael!" "Mother!" Finally Joseph let me go. We were in the basement. I tried to run, but he grabbed me and slammed me to the ground. Then he kicked me a couple of times. He picked me up and threw me farther into the basement and closed the door. "Hey! Let me out!" I banged on the door and there was no answer. It was dark. I felt for a light switch. I found one.

Barri's POV

In the most chaotic scene you could imagine, Michael was carried away by his father. After Joseph went passed me, I ran downstairs. "Michael!" "Baby I'm over here." I followed his voice to a metal door. It was locked. "Don't worry honey I'll get you out." "Ok." For some reason, I started walking backwards. I sprinted toward the door. Pain went all through my body especially my shoulder. "Ow!" "Baby are you alright." "Yeah I'm fine." "So you think your going to free him. You two will be separated, whether you do it yourselves or I do it." "Joseph don't touch her! Leave Barri alone!" "What are you going to do. You're trapped behind that door." Joseph tried to grab me, but I don't go down without a fight. I lost the fight. Joseph carried me upstairs and put me in one of the rooms. He tied me up and locked me in there. He tied my mouth up. I couldn't breathe. I waited until I grew dizzy. Then everything went dark.
Michael's POV
I needed to get out of this basement and save Barri. I looked around and there was a window. I climbed out the window. I went in the house. My mother and father were yelling. "Why would you go and do a thing like that! He is your own son! Did you plan on feeding him!" I snuck pass them. "Barri. Barri where are you?" I looked everywhere. Finally I came to a door that was locked. I knocked on the door. "Barri. Barri! Baby!" I ran downstairs. "Mother!" "Michael how did you get out?" " Mother can I talk to you?" "Of course." We walked to another room. "Mother there's a room upstairs with a locked door. You got get the key from Joseph. Please." "I'll certainly try." "Thanks mother. And please hurry Barri's not responding."  She went back to Joseph. I followed at a distance. "Joseph give me the key to the bedroom." "Never. Barri is never getting out of there." "She'll began to stink and smell up the whole house." "Then I'll deal with that." "Why don't we head to the bedroom?" Mother started unbuttoning her blouse. "For what? You're old and ugly and fat. Don't nobody want that." "And nobody wants you anymore Joseph, except me." "You've got a point. What are we doing still out here." "We'll go in the room as soon as you hand over the key." "Fine." He gave mother the key. She threw it behind her back. Quickly I unlocked the door. There was Barri. She was unconscious. I ran to her and untied her. She started breathing and slowly came to consciousness. "Ssh. We have to be quiet and hide from Joseph." I led her to my room and closed the door. About an hour later we heard Joseph yelling. "You deceived me Katherine! Where are they?!" "How should I know? It's time to eat dinner anyways." Then there was silence. "Honey I'm hungry." "I know baby. How about we wait until Joseph falls asleep. Then we'll get some food and go to the doctors so your arm can get fixed." Her shoulder looked dislocated. "Okay." She leaned against my chest. "Ouch." "Are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine.". She lifted my shirt. "Oh my goodness!" "Ssh." Suddenly the door opened. It was Joseph. "Baby do you think we could fight him if we worked together?" "No need. Your mother made me promise not to hurt you. So I won't, at least not physically. Believe me, you haven't seen the last of me." Then he walked out. "Well we might as well get something to eat baby." So we got something to eat. We went over to the hospital. They popped barri's shoulder back in. She had to wear a sling for two weeks. Me on the other hand, I just needed some ice for my bruises.
I hoped you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates. And as always, HEAL THE WORLD.

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