chapter 40

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Shannons P.O.V.

I flew us back to L.A. to have her closer to my family. I don't wanna be in that place anymore. I took her home, our home.

ays passed and no changes, but now she's awake at last. I leave her once in awhile to go take a shower . Jared comes by and we have lunch to discuss my options. J" so what are you thinking? ". Me" I wanna keep the child, but not if its gonna hurt her or put the child at risk. ". J" what did the doctor say? ". Me" there is a chance that she will get a donor match and survive longer, but on the other hand if she takes pills it will cause the baby birth defects ". J" that's not worth it ". Me" what the fuck do I do Jared? ". I hit the table and I'm so flustered. J" don't make a decision right now, your not in the right frame of mind".

He had a point. We took off to a place where we used to go as kids. The Forrest area where we his away from everyone and had peace from family chaos. As we pulled up , I rolled down my window and smelled the sweet air. Felt like I was five again. J" remember when we used to camp her and mom couldn't find us? ". I busted up laughing and knew how mad she was. Our dad wasn't around, so she was mom and dad to us. Jared was the one who was my partner in crime. We swore on everything bad we did. She never found out.

For awhile I forgot about what was going on at home and had quality time with my brother. J" maybe we should head home ". I wanted to sleep I was tired now. We got home and as soon as I got in the door , I hear her crying for me. I bolt upstairs and she's on the floor and throwing up. I drop to my knees and rub her back and try and soothe her body.

Julie " in sorry I threw up ". I kiss her head and lift her up in my arms and start a bath and undress her. Her eyes are blood shot and she's very clammy and very weak. I place her in the water after its full and take a peak outside of the bathroom door and see she hasn't eaten a vite of her food. Her water glass is full. I take off my clothes and join her in the tub. Me" why aren't you eating?". She leaned her head against my chest and I pull her legs around my body. Julie " not hungry ". I rub my hands up and down her back and I can feel her spine. She's loosing weight. Its starting to scare me. I kiss her neck and lay my head down. Me" if you don't eat our baby will die ". Julie " I'm sorry, I'm just not hungry baby ". She starts to cry and I feel her heart bleed and it hurts me to the core.

After the bath, i dry her off and she can barely stand. Quickly throwing on a light tshirt of mine and boxers I lay her back in bed. She falls back asleep and I sit Beside her caressing her head and face. My eyes feel heavy and soon I crawl in next to her and wrap her deep inside of my arms. I refuse to let her go down and lose her. If she runs out of strength to figght then I will give her all of mine , she will be ok. I will fight to make her well again.

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