chapter 3

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Days later , I was at school and finished up my exams and was just in the library to get some applications filled out for new jobs.  I was excited for new beginning. Shannon was supposed to call me and I had to be home for that. No chance I'm gonna miss that call.  Hours passed and I was finally done the last app sent and I was ready to go home.  And as I got to the door I felt my phone go off.  Auh its him I thought.  Nope it was my mother. Me" hello mother,  what's going on ?".    She went into a conversation about how I needed to come over and eat because I was always skin and bones.  Here we go again.  On and in she went.  Me" ok I'm gonna go now ".  I let her go and got in my car to pull away and once again my phone rang.  Me" mother come on I......".  S" is that my new name now? ".     My heart smiled!   Me " ahhhh heeeeyyy".   He laughed and I felt my cheeks burn with deep red blush.  S" hey babe how are you? ". Me" better now that I heard your voice ".  He moaned in the phone and I closed my eyes.  I could feel his lips on my neck his hands touching my body flash backs of us in each others arms.

I snapped too when he said my name , oh the way it rolled off his tongue was spicy.  S" what are you up to,  have you found a new man yet? ".    Me" absolutely not!  Why would I ever think of doing that? ".   S" well,  your alone and I thought you might need a cuddle bear to keep you warm ".  Me" I'd rather have you over anyone in this world ".    S" I have a suprise for you ".   A smile lit up my face,  what was he up too.  Me " is that so? " I tried to pry it out of him and he wouldn't budge.  I looked up and realized I was still in the parking lot,  I got lost in this convo with him, time flew by.  I didn't care. Nothing mattered but him.

S" I will let you go ". Me" yea my battery is gonna die ".  S" ok I love you,  sweet dreams. I will call you in the morning ".   Me" you wanna be my morning wake up call? ".   S" mm mm you know I do ".  Oh lord here we go.   Me" oh no!  Don't talk like that with me when your so far away ". S" you need to go home and get some sleep and your surprise will be there when you wake up ".   Me" if its you naked at my door step, I will stay awake all night and be ready ".    S" oh my your naughty, I like it ". Me" do you now?  Hmmmm I'm gonna go home and take a shower ".  S" I wanna see that ". Me " auh to bad my battery is gonna die baby bye love you ". S" your a tease! ".  Click!   Phone died.  I Left him hot and bothered.

I imagined him in my shower,  that naked body all wet in front of me,  closing my eyes, my body erupted with desire for his touch, his lips, the sound of his deep sexy moans in my ear.  Lord I craved him like a flower lusted for rain.  I needed him. Badly. Somehow I need to near him.  Some way.

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