chapter 24

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Shannon's P.O.V.

The hole week I make her breakfast in bed and she begins to soften and hopefully she  will forgive me once and for all. I want my bell back.  We used to be so simple,  I remember when I first met her. It was a beautiful sunny day no clouds,  warm wind blowing.  She stepped onto the school yard and I was smitten .  Her golden brown hair,  hazel eyes and that smile.  Oh that smile.  She was the girl the boys chased. Not as a crush,  she was one of us.  Played in the dirt and kicked the ball further than other girls her age.  I was impressed.  I was bound and determined to become her best friend.  She was the female version of me.

I walked up to her and pushed her on the grass. She looked back to me and was mad.  Julie " you push like a girl ".   I laughed.  Me" show me how a boy pushes then ".  And boy she did!   She shoved me on my butt and I hit a rock oh man it hurt.  I got back up and she smiled.  From that day on we were going back and forth .  

We ate lunches together we were sidekicks and it was us against the world.  This went in through middle school and oh lord high school.   That's when our jealousy came out to play.   She had a boyfriend,  they dated for two years, he was an ass.  I knew he was only after her for sex.  Harsh to say but im a  guy, I know these things. 

It was the day of our junior prom.  I remember that night so vividly. I wore a black tux,  shinny shoes and just gotten my hair trimmed.  Lots of facial hair but Julie?  Well she didn't care much for the beard,  so I  cut it.  Tonight i was gonna surprise her.   Gonna knock her on her ass.  But I soon found out,  I was gonna be the shocked one.  

Julie " I'm ready ".  Her dates waited next to me.  I don't like him. She steps down the stairs and I look up and see her shine.  She's beautiful. That's the same girl?  My best friend?  I'm shocked. She is wrapped in a tight black and silver floor length dress. Her skin glistens with the lights above.  I smile and she looks at him, then at me,  im blushing.  I can't help it she looks so beautiful. 

Julie " oh my god you look so good shan".   He chimes in and pulls her close and kisses her.  I look away and grab my date.  We all walk out to the limo and off to the dance.  The night is better than I could ever imagine.  He on the other hand,  names Brian, is flirting with another girl when jewels is in the bathroom. I'm pissed.  I swoop in and take my chance.  

Julie " I must say,  you look hot!".  I lean in and get close to her ear and say " your the hot one,  I can't take my eyes off you ".  J" what are you saying? ".     I  take her hand and she follows me.  On the dance floor the song plays,  its the song I will never forget. I get by her ear and say " I'm in love with you ". And I kiss her.  It fireworks.  Just as I imagine it would be.  She pulls away and see her guy with another girl. And its over she's done with him at last.  She leaned in and the second kiss is powerful.  I push my tongue inside her lips and we are in our own world. 

After that night,  we look at each other differently,  it is not the same. She moves away and we lose contact.  I miss her and she missed me.  Its not till years later,  I finally find her again.  She's single but,  this time she is so focused on school,  college that I just give up. 

Fast forward till today ,   I promised her the world,  now it was crumbling.  Because of both of us.  She is eating a strawberry and I come over to her and bite the other end.  She moans and smiles.  Hands in my hair.  Me" I love you I'm sorry ".  Julie " me too I wanna start over ok ".   Kiss again and I say " absolutely,  I can't wait for the rest of my life with you ".  I  lift up her shirt and kiss her stomach,  my child is in there and I kiss it a second time. Laying down on the bed beside her I lay my head on her chest and rub her stomach. 

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