chapter 15

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The next day, I found my sisters number and we spoke for awhile and she understood how I felt about dad. She still hasn't spoken to my mother but did with our dad.  I was curious how he was.  My mother played the victum  card with me. Of course she made him out to be the bad guy.  She filled me in that he was living in Sicily Italy. In a small village and had someone taking care of him.  I was happy he was ok. 

Here goes nothing.  It was ringing,  my pulse was racing. A young woman answered and I sighed in relief. Maybe he was asleep I just needed to talk to someone about how he was. Her" hey its nice to meet you,  he said so many sweet things about you and he wants to see you ".   He said that?  I felt a gliid of emotions rushing through my heart I hadn't felt ever before. I should've called sooner.  There was nothing to worry about.  Her" I'm Natalie by the way my apologies miss.  ".   Me" its ok nice to meet you too,  thank you for taking great care of my father. ".     We talked for awhile longer and I grew to trust  and like her. 

We got off the phone and I got online and ordered two tickets to Sicily.   I texted Shannon and he came home awhile later.  S" you feeling better now? ".    Me" yes thank you ".  He kissed me and in a week we would be in my fathers home.  

The night before we left I couln't sleep I was so excited.  I kept tossing and turning which drove shannon nuts.  I finally drifted off and got a good nights sleep.  I was up early the next morning. Jumped in the shower and got ready.  He woke up and looked hell of sexy too.  He never had a bad day. He woke up smiling  so big which made me happy.    I went back to bed and climbed  in next to him.   S" you smell like vanilla and strawberries".  I nibbled on his neck and he moaned.   Me" you like it huh?".    His hand went up and down my arm. S" mmhmm.  What time is our flight? ".    Me" in one hour we have time ".   S" I need to get ready ".    Me" go naked ".  He grabbed my ass and made me want it.  S" naughty,  you gonna make us late ".  I kissed his jawline and laughed.  Me" who me? ". S" yes you ".    I crawled on top of his body and kissed him. Eventually we got up and headed the airport.   Hours from now we would be in Italy again. 

The flight was long but very comfy in his arms.   I slept most of it too.    The car was waiting for us when we arrived.     Gorgeous car black one with beautiful interior. The hotel was even more incredible.  High cellings and pinks and whites all around surrounded by painted ceilings &  the bed was huge & the views absolutely breathtaking.   He ordered  us room service and I changed into my dress I had bought earlier in the week.   

I heard my phone go off & I ignored it.  I just wanted time alone with him.  No interuptions.  S" you excited to meet your father? ".   Me " yea im scared but happy ".      He kissed my hand and smiled.  S" im gonna be there for you so it will be great ".    Me"thank you ".   We finished our dinner and dinned on dessert.  Sweet Carmel and nuts pie. So yummy. I remembered my phone was going off and checked my messages and sure enough I had a voice mail and ten missed calls.  I hadn't heard them because of my phone was on silent.

I was in shock and wished I never checked them. I wanted to cry and just hide away from the world.  How could this happen I came all the way here and now,  I was too late.  Shannon stepped out of the bathroom and seen me crying and curled up in a ball.   S" oh god what happened? ".   I couldnt  talk I was heartbroken. I should have answered that call.  Guilt was overtaking me.  I finally took a deep breath and told him. Me" my father died,  that's why my phone was going off,  he's dead Shannon. Its all my fault. He's gone because of me ".    He held my face and wiped away from my eyes.  S" look at me!  You didn't do anything wrong there was nothing you could have done. ".    Me" i never got to say I love you or say goodbye ".   I lost it again and he held me tight.   S" I'm so sorry ".   I remembered I had an anxiety med in my purse and I asked him to get it for me.  He did and brought it to me.  I swallowed it down and laid back down. I fell asleep quick too .   

Hours later while Shannon was asleep I got another one to calm my nerves.   It helped me to know I had these to keep my nerves under control and calm  me down, to numb the pain.  S" what are you doing? Come back to bed ".    Me" I'm getting a drink just sec".         He didn't buy it he knew something was up.  I got back into bed and closed my eyes.    Shannon laid on his back and couldn't fall back asleep. He had a bad feeling about me.

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