chapter 17

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Next two days I never left the bed.  I felt like a failure.  I felt bad though that I was being such a bitch to him.  He was only trying to help me. But I thought I'm not a damn victim.  I don't need help I'm fine I got it under control.  I had to get out though and get some fresh air.  Shannon was out and getting us lunch.  I couldn't believe it was noon already be here did the time go.  I jumped in the shower and got dressed to head out. 

As soon as the sunlight hit my skin I felt happy,  a feeling I hadn't had in awhile.  I got a text from Shannon saying he was in his way back to our room I had an idea. I called him and the sound of his voice was music to my ears.  Me" come join me at the front lobby I wanna  see you ".   He laughed " ok...... I will be there in twenty minutes ". 

Shortly after we hung up,  I was in awe of this man coming across the lobby heading to the elevator.  He was very well dressed and had a very intriguing aura about him.I couldn't stop staring he was just a beautiful piece of art.  Like a painting.  He turned around and must have felt me, I blushed and turned away.  Oh god I feel like a stalker . 

Minutes later,  Shannon pulled up in a cab.  I met him outside and he smiled at me,  right then I knew we were ok.  I hugged him right and said " I'm sorry I hurt you,  I am so ashamed of how I acted ".   I felt his hand go up and down my back.  S" font apologize, all is forgiven.  I will never stay mad at you for long. ".    I kissed his cheek and his hand went inside of my coat. The feel of him on my skin felt so sweet. 

We got in the car and i told the driver to take us to the cafe by the eiffel tower.    I just wanted a romantic time with him.    we ordered lunch and got a table outside. The weather was beautiful and  he was even more beautiful. I looked at him with love instead of a drugged hate.  He was my saving grace. I took a bite of my salad and looked over his shoulder and there once again was that man from the hotel.  God he was sexy.  Shannon waved his hand in front of me and I snapped too. 

S" you ok? ".   Me" yea just seen someone who looked like someone I know back home ".  Shannon looked behind him and seen a girl instead of that man.  Whew!  That was close.  S" so how about we head home tomorrow. I need to get back to work and so do you ".    I kissed his hand and he smiled.    Me" yea that sounds good I just dont wanna leave here its so......".  Oh god he was coming by our table.  Look away!     He looked at me and smiled.  Fuck!  I was done for my cheeks were on fire.  S" yea its time to go,  cmon".   He grabbed my hand and we left back to pick up to leave.  I had no idea what was going on in his mind.  Or did I really wanna know. 

A hearts callOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora