chapter 27

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I was terrified.  I had no idea what she would say to him.  I would take a bullet for him and he knew that and would do the same for me. I had to swallow my pride and face her once and for all. S" you hungry? "  I can feel breakfast coming back up.  I bolt to the bathroom.   Oh god!  I quickly shut the stall door and up it comes. I'm stressed out and I just wanna stay here and hide away.  I knew I was gonna lose this battle with her.  For all my life she had controlled me.  I never had a say , no matter what.  Shannon was my only escape from hell at home. He didn't know the half of what I went through. I felt dirty. He didn't know that when I was young I experienced something no child should ever have to deal with. I threw up again.  And again.  I could hear someone knocking on the stall door and I shouted " busy! ".     Again a knock this time the door was being pushed. I kicked it back and screamed with anger " IT IS OCCUPIED DAMIT!".   I laid myself against the stall wall and closed my eyes trying to calm my stomach and spinning thoughts. 

I could feel a breeze whip by my face and when I opened my eyes,  there was those sweet loving  hazel eyes of my heart.  Wait,  he was in the ladies room? Me" babe what are you doing here? ".   He got on his knees and held my face and said " why are you on the floor?  What's the matter? ".  I lost it!  I balled and reached out for him.  I held onto so so tight.  S" I'm here ,your ok. Tell me what's wrong ".   He rubbed my back and I said " I don't wanna go ! She is gonna ruin what we have and hurt you,  hurt us ".    He picked me up into his strong arms and said " I'd never let anyone hurt you,  I'd kill them!  I'm ok!  I  can handle whatever she's wants to dish out. I know her wicked games. She will not break us,  never! ".    I held on around his neck and he grabbed a wet towel and ran it across my lips and kissed my forehead. 

I  laid my head on his cheast and he pulled out his phone and texted someone I didn't know who,  my head pounded so I didn't care at the moment.  He turned and headed to the door and we went outside,  I was still in his arms and I asked " where are we going?  We have a flight to catch? ".     He looked down and said " not today ".  I didn't question it any further. 

Soon I was back in the car and he took the keys from me and drove us to a swank hotel. Beautiful tall building,  with hints of purple and silver lights dancing across the top windows.  Flowers surrounded the entrance smelled like a aromatic heaven.  He opened my door and grabbed my hand and the door man grabbed our bags.

We got on the elevator and headed up to top top floor.   Me" what's up?  Why are we here and not home or headed to...... ".  He took my hand and kissed it.  S" don't question the details sweets ".    He pulled out the key and slid it in the door and opened it.  Well now!  This is what paradise looks like!    White and black furniture with silver trim.  Surrounded by plush white flooring.  I took off my heels and stepped barefoot onto it. I felt like a kid again.  I ran and jumped on the bed and laughed.  I laughed!  I haven't done that in some time.   S" crazy girl,  we are supposed to sleep there its not your bounce house like when we were kids ". I took off my dress and looked at him and grinned " come on big boy come have some fun with me! ".    He bit his lip. Oh  baby that lip bite!     He took off his coat and instead poured us some  champagne.

Me" ok I will settle down ".  I hugged around his neck and nibbled on his tattoo.  S" mm mm trying to seduce me again hmmm? ".    Me" baby,  your easy to please. I could lick your neck and your turned on ".   He smacked my leg and I jumped.  Me" mmmmmm now where talking,  I wanna play rough ".     He turned and kissed up my arm and spun around on the bar stool.   His massive hands grabbed my body lifting me onto his lap. S" you are bad you know that? ".   I leaned in and said " you made me this way ".   I massaged his cock through his pants and he growled at me.  Me" see!  Turned on just like that!".    He picked me up and carried me to the window and pressed me to it. Me " ahhhhhh its cold ".    He undid his pants and let them fall to the floor and pushed down his boxers. Oh baby ready to go!   

Me" what are you gonna do to me? ".   He ripped off my panties and bra and said in a deep sexy tone " I'm gonna fuck you and let the world watch ".  I held onto his neck and tugged on his lower lip.  Me" let's give them a X rated naughty show then shall we ".  He grabbed my as right in his hands and said " with pleasure ". 

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