chapter 25

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I woke up the next day with a healed heart.  We vowed we would make this the best rest of our life no matter what.  He had a surprise for me.  I seen that sneaky smile and knew he was up to something. Me" what are you smiling about? ".    He crept in the room like a cat that had just captured a mouse.   S" I made you something ".   I had no clue what it could be.  My heart smiled,  I was deeply touched  when he showed me. It was a book of us as kids,  in grade school,  middle school and the pictures from our junior prom.  This was beyond beautiful. It came from his heart .   Me" oh my god I love this baby, thank you ".   He sat on the bed and put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.  S" I saved all of these,  my mom had em and so I made you a book ".    I laid my head on his chest.  Me"thank you so much ".   I looked up at him and his lips kissed me and I continued to look inside the book.  He got back up and handed me a cup of coffee, my favorite too. Italian sweet cream with a touch of vanilla whip cream on top. 

He got in the shower and I snuck in and took off my clothes.   I wanted to thank him my way.   I got close to him ans kissed his back I felt him moan and look back to me.   S" hey you ". He turned around &  I held his face in my hands and kissed him.   His hands went around my waist and back.  Me " I love you, I missed you ".    He laughed and my heart was jumping for joy.  Me" I love how you laugh ".  I laid my head on his chest and kissed his heart.  S" what else? ".   This time  I laughed.  Me" I love your eyes, the way they look at me when you say you love me ".   S' go on ".  I smack his butt and he rocked us back and forth under the shower water.  Me" I love that I'm having your child and I can't wait for them to meet you and love you as much as I do ".   He kissed my neck and ran his hand up around the back of my neck.  S" anything else? ".  Me" you just like me telling you those things huh? ".  S" makes me feel how much you love me ".     Me" ok one more thing....I love your passion,  your heart,  your hole being.......  You ".  I kiss him and put my hands over his head on the shower wall as he grabs my ass deep in his hand and I want him in the worst way. But not here,  in bed,  before we leave today. Definitely before we leave. Oh yes! 

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