chapter 2

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I still remember that day like it was yesterday. He was almost a faint memory. He moved away to the USA a year ago I missed him like crazy. I still cried when I thought about us hanging out and him just being an arms length away. But he knew it was for the best. Start a new life & open up his own bike company and make motorcycles. that was his passion he lived to ride. I could see his siloute on the back of that beast of a bike. He never smiled so much. Until the day we both were having lunch like we usually do. I remember that sunny day, he just had almost given up hope to start his dreams. How would he pay to get to the states even if he did get the call? Where would he stay? On and on his mind played the negative records.

And then at last, he got that call. The one that changed both of our lives forever. S" yes well thank you, I will be there whenever you need me to start. That's more than I could ever ask for, thank you I will talk to you soon. Yes... Bye". He hung up and looked at me and said " I'm leaving to the states in two weeks!". Two weeks? Oh god! S" you ok bell?". Me" I'm ok ". He came over beside me and hugged me tight. S" its my dream bell, come with me". Me" you know I have school I have two jobs I can't". He leaned his head in my shoulder and i could feel his sweet exhale on my skin. I'd never looked at him the same after that day.

Over the next two weeks, we spent everyday all day together. One thing we didn't do was make love. This relationship was new to both of us. We promised each other when we were in the US and still felt this love between us, we would make that next step. He didn't wanna leave me with a last night rondevue. He's was all gentleman, a sweet soul. Always made sure I was ok. Put me first even before himself. Which broke my heart. So many day I watched as he laid in bed sick as a dog, never asked me for a thing. But I could see in his eyes, he needed that TLC. I became his bedside nurse. Not a day went by I wasn't there. Once I almost lost him. I couldn't sleep that hole night.

Flash forward to that last day with me. We are standing at the airport and he holds me tight as ever. I can't breathe, so I take in his. Me" I'm gonna miss you ". His finger traced my face to my neck and I leaned in and kissed him. The way he kissed me back made my head spin. The feelings between us caught on deeper. S" wait for me " he whispers into my ear light kisses flow across my neck. His boarding call echoed over the terminal, it was time. I had to let him go. For now.

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