chapter 32

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Lips..... Eyes......touch....tears

God I haven't been gone for more than a day and I feel like its been months since I've been away from him. He's never been so passionate as he is right now. His lips suck in me like a vampire, his hand pushing down my skirt and my breath hitched as he pushed his finger along my slit. Oh god I feel how wet I was. Even one day being away from him, I still was greedy as hell. I couldn't help myself on the plane ride home either. I locked the door of the bathroom and took down my panties and slid two fingers inside of me and imagined he was behind me cock against my ass and thick fingers fuckin me.

I could hear his voice clear as day. S" you need to learn how to wait for me! Always want me to fuck you ". I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and watched my hands rubbing my swollen erect nipple. God felt so good. I put my hand on the wall and trying to hold myself up and rolled my finger over my clit . I was so close so fast. He did this to me even without being present. Oh god please let me not moan so loud that someone hears me. I rubbed myself faster. And faster. I shook hard and came even harder. As I composed myself and cleaned up, I knew once I got home I was gonna make up for leaving him the best way I knew how. Fuck him.

Back in our bedroom :

S" oh shit....... My god your so wet! ". I rolled my hips faster and harder on him. My nails digging into his chest. He bit his lip and I looked down in between riding him. Me" you know that drives me crazy when you do that ". He did it again and reached up and rubbed my breast in his big paws. He's was like a god damn drug to my pussy I craved a fix as often as he would fill my prescription for his cock inside of me.

His toes curled my head flew back and we both caved and released ourselves all over each other. He filled me up I smiled and enjoyed the warm feeling inside. He didn't make me feel dirty, he made me feel like I was worth loving and I was a treasure. A fragile little girl who finally found someone to protect her from the world. No more running, no more pain. I was finally free of the shame guilt and ugliness of hiding in a lie. He brought me out of my dark hiding place.

I laid down and pulled up the covers over us. S" I missed you ". Me" not as much as I missed you darlin ". He held my face in his hands and said just before we took a nap " I wanna marry you tomorrow and I mean it! I don't care if we get married and no one shows up. All I want is us, you and me. ". Me" I'm ready, I can't wait to spend forever with you ".

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