chapter 21

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Time to go home,  leave New York was gonna be a beautiful memory and a regret too. I wished I hadn't kissed him.  I should've made Shannon my new years kiss. But there was no rewinding time. Time to move on.  S" you ready? "   Me" yep ".  I grabbed my purse and followed him out if the elevator.  We waited for Jared and then caught a cab.  It was akward and unnerving but I had to bite the bullet and just pretend like nothing happened.

J" so that was fun right? ".   I smiled and Shannon saw it  and I felt my cheeks burn.   I was so embarrassed.   The passing buildings took my mind off of it.  S" hey babe so I made us reservation for this weekend in Hawaii and I think your gonna love what I have planned. ".   His ran his finger over my cheek and I saw jealousy in his eyes.  He could read me like a well written book.  Me" sure I'd like that ".   S"like ?  Is that all I get? ".  He backed away and looked out the window.  I felt bad but didn't know how he was feeling.  He got quiet when he was upset.  We boarded the plane and flew home.  Hours later we got into Jared's car to get dropped off at my home. As we pulled up in the driveway he said  J" you guys wanna go have dinner tonight when we get home? ".     Me" I'd love too".   I felt my hand get tugged and I looked over to see Shannon step out of the car, leaving me behind.   That hurt.  J" I will help you with your bags then ".   He turned off the car and we each grabbed out luggage and headed inside.

Coffee time and then I was gonna confront him.    Mm mm vanilla late,  soothes the soul.    I opened the door and seen him laying on his right side.  Me" thanks for leaving me behind ".  He didn't say anything to me.  Ok now ignoring me is only gonna piss me off even more.  I set down my cup on his side of the bed and went to bathroom to fix my hair into a loose ponytail.  I looked in the mirror and could see his eyes looking at me. 

S" do you love me? ".    Me" are you seriously asking me that? ".  He got off the bed and came over to me and stood in the doorway.  S" yes I am,  you don't seem interested in me anymore ".    Me" I'm not gonna respond to that ".   I went to close the door and he blocked it. S" did you kiss him? ".  Me" what are you talking about? ".   S" you know what I'm taking about".    Me" just go away ".    He backed me up against the cabinet and held my face so I couldn't look away.   S" you did huh?".    Me" no ".   S" don't lie to me ".    Me" I.....  ".    S" you don't love me,  if you did you wouldn't have did what you did ".    Me " I do love you,  I'm sorry ".    S" no your not ".    I tried to pull away his hands and walk away but he held firm. 

Me" I love you".   S" dont say it if you don't mean it ".    I  began to tear up and felt so bad.  Me" yes I kissed him but of take it back in a heartbeat.  I wanted that kiss to be with you,  I'm sorry "  He don't look at me and made me feel even worse.  S" I'm gonna go,  I need time away from you ".    I held tight around his waist and tried to convince him to stay.  It didn't work.  He moved out of my grip and left the room.  I felt empty.  He was gone. Tears fell like a waterfall and I had nothing left.  My heart was hurting that I had damaged him. Time would tell if we could be saved.  

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