chapter 10

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Hours later I got a call from my boss saying I was needed back home , by tomorrow. Just as we are about to go to dinner,  that happens.  S" you said you could stay with me for a couple more days? ".  Me" I'm sorry but I have to go, its a new job babe. He already budged and gave me a week off to come see you so ".    He moved away from the door and went back upstairs.  Ok then don't know what was going on in his mind.  I grabbed my phone to schedule a ticket change for in the morning.  I knew he was upset but I had obligation to this new career. It was my dream. Once in a lifetime chance. 

Moments later, he appeared and had a small box in his hand.  I had no clue what a it could be.  He looked at me and grinned.   Me " Shannon?  What are you up to? ".    He opens the box and my heart burst into happy emotions and tears.  I wasn't prepared for this whatsoever.  He grabbed my hand and said " I've been saving up every dime I have made. I wanna give you the best life has to offer.   I knew the second we kissed I wanted to have you as my wife.  I want you to stay and make a life with me. If you leave me,  I will never be the same.  I can't let you walk out that door back home ever again. I am gonna ask you one small favor..... Will you......marry me? ".    I felt my legs shake and my mind was going crazy.   He was my best friend,  always there from day one.  S" jewels?".  I looked up at him and said " yes..... Yes ".   He smiled and put it on my hand and kissed me so passionately.  I was scared.  But ready.  

A hearts callOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora