chapter 12

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I called three times and no answer. How can you turn away the call of your own child?  Damit!  Answer the phone!     And one more ring she did.  Mom" hell where are you and why have you not called me? ".   Me" I'm a grown adult!  I'm with Shannon? ".  She was silent and I knew she was mad.  Here we go more people mad   At me!   Me" I know your there  I know you can hear me! ".  No words.  Me" well then,  I am getting married and I want your blessing ".   Mom " no!  You know how much we despise that man and his family! ".  Me" he has done  nothing to you!  Let it go!   ".   Mom " shall I remind you what his aunt did to our family. Or did you forget? ".   Me" how could I you throw it in my face every time I bring him up ".   I could hear her tap her finger on the counter.  She was about to pull the passive aggressive stunt.  I was over her fit!  Enough!    Mom" your father is dying ".   Wow that was cold and ruthless!    Me" your never gonna change are you?  You know how much I missed him and you forbid me to see him,  and this is how you tell me about him after all these years? How dare you! ".   Mom" how date me?  You better watch your filthy mouth!  I am your mother!   ".  Me" I'm done I'm sorry I called you I can't believe you could be so cold ".    I was hurt and cut deep and I bit my tongue of what I wanted to say to her.  I took a deep breath and asked trying not to cry " what's wrong with my father? ".    She laughed and her tone was nasty when she answered me.   Mom " he has kidney failure,  he asked about you and I told him you wanted nothing to do with him ".   I lost it I was furious!    Me" go to hell!  ".   I hung up and was broken. I had my heart ripped in half by someone who was supposed to be my mother.  She wasn't that anymore.  

Hours later I laid in bed and just wanted to hide from the world.  He came home and noticed I wasn't downstairs.  S" Julie? ".   I didn't hear him.  He came upstairs and opened the door to see me curled up in bed.   I turned over and looked him with puffy red eyes.     S" baby..... What's wrong? ".    Me" please come here......I need you ".   I cried again as he laid in bed and pulled me in close.  S" I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry ".   I Nuzzled my head in his shoulder and said" its not you,  my father is dying.  ".  I squeezed me tighter and kissed my head. S" I'm sorry,  how can I help you feel better? ".    Me" don't let me go,  I just need your arms around me ".    I was gonna tell him the hole story tomorrow,  for now,  I just needed to sleep deep in his arms and forget about it.

A hearts callOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora