chapter 35

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After that day we had,  it was time to unwind and relax on the beaches of Greece.  The colors of the sky were magical.  Shannon changed onto a more laid back outfit and me?  I put on his favorite pink dress. The one he bought me for valentines day.  We rolled out a blanket and sat down on the sand.  The feelings I had inside of me were indescribable.  I was a married woman his wife. 

It still didn't feel real to me. Maybe it was a dream.  His hand moved up my arm and I pulled it to my lips kissing it.   He laid his head on my shoulder rocking us back and forth.  S" what are you thinking about? ".   Me" us ".  S" is that a good thing? ".   Me" always ".   S" I have a suprise for you ". I laid my head back and smiled. Me" is that so? ".    S" mmhmm ".  Me" when do I get it? ".   He moved his lips ever so close to mine and said " in the morning, you will get it ". I trusted him.  We sat and watched the sun go down and I ended up falling asleep.  Didn't know I was so tired. Must have been the plane ride I guess.    As day turned to night,  Shannon swooped me up in his arms and carried me back to our room.  I could feel the soft bed below me.  

He stayed up and went over the plan for tomorrow.  

I slept soundly and was awaken by the aroma of pancakes and sausage. God he was spoiling me good.  S" get in the shower we have to go soon". Me" what's the rush? "   He came over and kissed me and said " you will see". I got in the shower and dressed and when I came out he had something in his hand.  I was one curious cat.  

Me" what's that? ".   He smiled and said " cl e here and see ".  I walked over to him and he opened up his hand and it was a key.  A key?  Me" what did you buy a car? ".     S" better! ".   He took my hand and we walked out to the taxi that was waiting for us.  Wonder where he was taking me with this mysterious key?    The roads were winding and beautiful scenery passing us by.  S" you curious where I'm taking you? ".  He squeezed my hand and looked at me .  Me" maybe ".    He kissed my cheek and suddenly covered my eyes. Me" oh I can't see? ".   S" nope,  not till we get there ".  I could hear the car for open and he lifted me up to my feet still covering my eyes. 

We stop and he gently kisses my cheek and says " ready?  Surprise!".   He reveals to me something that absolutely makes me wanna cry happy tears of joy.  We stood before my child hood home. The one place I felt happy and alive in.  Me" why are we here".   S" this is our new home,  I bought this for you and I".   I felt the earth tremble beneath my feet .  He made my biggest dream come true.  

Me" how? ".   S" you ask a lot of questions you know that? ".    I smacked his butt and kissed his sweet lips.  We walked inside and he let me open the door.  Once again,  I was left breathless. I couldnt  have married a more beautiful sweet man if I tried. He had decorated the house,  our house with pictures of us,  as kids,  as first loves and as a couple. I could hear foot steps coming from the hall way. Who could this be? I could have sworn I seen a ghost,  a person whom I never thought step foot in my home.  My mother. Me" what are you here? ".   She came twords me and I felt Ill.   Mom" I'm sorry ".  Me" your...... Your what? ".   S" I flew us out here so you and your mom could be reunited".  Instead of being happy now,  I was infuriated. He kept this from me. He knows how much I hate her and hate is a strong word I never use often. 

I grabbed my purse and left to the front yard.   S" I'm doing this for us! ".  Me" you did it for you,  I don't wanna have a relationship with her!  She knew my father was abusing me and you know that too!    Damit! Why couldn't you have just told me I never would have come. ".  He marched over to me and was upset.  S" oh ok!  So now tour telling me this?  I brought you here so we could get married and start a life together, I want to help you.... ".   Me" I'm not a fuckin self help case I do t have a sign that says please help me I'm helpless and apparently can't deal with my past ".   He grabbed me up against the tree and gave me that look.  The look ment now you cut me,  I'm done being nice.

S" I did this for us ".    I looked away and wasn't ready to forgive her.   Me" I need to go home ".   S" you are home ".    I looked back at him with tears of anger in my eyes.  Me" no,  its your home,  not mine. I'm not staying here with her ".    I pulled away from his grip and I didn't get far.  Mom" Julie you will stop this Instant ".   Me" I'm not your little girl,  that doesn't work on me anymore,  mother!'.    M" so you forgive your dead father, whom abused you may I remind you and not me? Your head is crazy,  you need help ".   And that right there,  was the biggest reason why I was so bound and determined never ever to forgive that witch. S" Julie!".    Me" bye Shannon ".   

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