chapter 5

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The sun beamed through the window and I was excited.  He said the surprise was gonna be here today. It was driving me crazy what it could be. Flowers? Hmmm. Chocolates?  Maybe. Door bell rang and I bolted to the door.  I was like a five year old on Christmas.  I opened the door and a package laid on my porch.  A small one too. 

I leaned down and too it inside.  What could it be?  Ahhhhh I'd waited all night !   I carefully opened it up and I seen an envelope. Auh maybe its a card.  Nope.  It was even more thoughtful than that.  It touched my heart so deep, I felt like I had won the lottery. Inside,  was a heart shapped piece of paper with his name on it.  How sweet!  It read " open up my heart and see what's inside ".   I felt my pulse quicken with anticipation.  I had to sit down as I found what was inside his heart. 

Tears dropped down to the counter,  he placed a ticket to LA to come see him. I lost it. I missed him every second of the day.  I fell even deeper in love with  him.  The date of the ticket read today, I was gonna fly out to see my soul mate in a couple hours, I would be kissing him within half a day and hear him say I love you as he held me tight in his arms. I couldn't stop looking at the heart,  his heart.  Then I could see a small note on the back of the ticket.  It read like this...... " I see you decided to open my heart and see what with holds inside, I have been away from you for way to long.  I need you close to me,  I need to feel your hands in mine.  I need to see your eyes looking back at me. I just plain need you here,  I've gone crazy missing you.  I love you simple as that.  I will see you soon. Oh and pack something naughty,  I plan on making your body scream my name until the very last second you have to leave me. See you soon. Love Shannon ".   I ran upstairs to pack and prepare to be with my soul mate once again. 

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