chapter 31

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Shannon's P.O.V.

Its over and done with I guess. I should have stayed awake and made her stay. Maybe she was off to find herself. Without me. I pour more sweet cream in my coffee and I'm no longer hungry. I can't stop thinking about her. Why did she leave me? A knock of the door and I don't care who it is. Go the hell away!

Knock knock knock! Me" what! What do you want! ". No answer. I go to open the door and in shocked who is at the door! My blood boils! My fist curls tight and I see red! Her " where's my daughter? ". Me" she's not here and when if she was I woukdnt tell you! ". Her " you never changed, funny still the same naive bound boy! She leaves you and here you wait for her to come home? Your pathetic! ". Me" and your a bitch! ". I slam the door in her face and walk away. I need holy water she tainted my home. I don't need that! I make my way up to take a shower and get my mind off of her. What if she never comes back? I can't live without her.

Hours pass and still no sign of her. She's not coming back. I crawl in bed and close my eyes. All I have left is pictures of us in my mind. Her touch haunts my skin, he soft lips I miss the way she looks at me as she......... I miss her. I hear her voice on my dreams. Shes in my blood. I need her back.

I feel my eyes grow heavy and drfit to sleep. Maybe she will be there since a he's not in my bed, my arms. I see her and I feel my heart pound with happiness and love. She dances around me and I try and pull her to me . My hands yearn to touch her again. We kiss, her rose petal colored lips, the feel of her fingertips skim across my face. I embrace her body I never wanna let her go again. Never again. Julie " I missed you ". I kiss her shoulder she shivers. Me" why did you leave me". The wind blows across my face as she says " I am here now let's not ruin the moment baby". We fall to the bed and her body softens under my hands. Julie " Shannon, make love to me like you haven't seen me for years ". And just like that I take off my shirt and look at her body below me. She's all mine again.

Pulling me back down we roll around on the bed she laughs and I feel happy to hear that sound again. I made her laugh this time not cry. Julie " I love you ". Me" say it again ". She turns my head and kisses my forehead and says " I love you ". And as I open my eyes, I look hurts..... She's not here. It was all a dream.

Thirsty I need a drink, not water. I need to drown this sorrow somehow. Heavy stiff will only do. Poring a large glass of vodka and downing it in minutes , then another, and another. Within a short time I'm plastered I drown her away just for short time. It hurts..... I just wanna numb the pain. My heart was ripped in half when I woke up to an empty bed, no note no goodbye.

I need to lay down my head is spinning. The couch becomes my savior. Maybe if I close my eyes. Ohhhhh that's better. I'm so deep into my sorrow I don't hear the door open and closing. Wait what's that? Who's here did I leave it........ Julie " hey stranger ". I can't believe it am I dreaming? I reach for her and she lays on too of my body. Me" are you really here? '. She lays her head on my heart and says so sweetly. Julie " i still hear my name when your heart beats ". Me" its always been you in my heart..... Why.......why did you leave? ". She sits up and looks at me and takes off her shirt. Julie " you miss me? ". I kiss her and wrap her legs around my waist. I was gonna show her how much I missed her.

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