chapter 43

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  Time to save a life.........

I prepare myself to  give a piece of myself to save another life.  Its something on would do and wouldn't think twice about.   In the surgery room its kinda cold in this gown I feel like my ass is exposed and I wish she was here.  But I know she has to take care of herself and make sure our child is gonna make it .    The girl awaiting my liver is under and asleep ready for surgery.  Here goes everything.  

D" ok were gonna out you under and get started,  ready? ".   I shake my head yes and feel a mask over my face and a needle IV in my arm i slowly drift to sleep.     I can't remember a thing except when I woke up,  I see her face.  Julie " hey you ,  how are you feeling? ".    I flinch and can't really move much.  Julie" its ok just rest ".    She sits by my head, talk about role reversal.  Its usually me doing this for her. 

I fall back into a deep sleep and her and Jared go and grab some lunch.  Jared" so we have a awhile till we have to do surgery so I was thinking, I wanna send you two on a trip Hawaii,  just to relax for awhile until the baby comes and before she has to bed on bed rest ".   Julie" you serious? ".     Jared " yea,  I think you two have been through enough hell you need paradise ".    I leaned in and kissed his cheek and hugged him so tight.   Jared" don't tell him, its gonna be our own secret ".   Julie " i won't say a peep.".    He winked at me and we finishedour lunch and I bought Shannon a chocolate shake just to say I love you. 

Back in my room.........

Me" auh man that hurts ".   The doctors were checking in his surgical site for drainage and made sure not to much blood was forming around the bandages.  Julie handed him the shake and kissed his lips and smiled.   Me " mm mm I like that sugar ".   Julie " I got you a shake ".   He reaches around  neck and pulled me back and said " I'd rather have some more of that sugar. ".   He laughed and made me blush.   

It was good to see him awake and the girl h donated to we would all soon know if she would accept the liver or not.  

Days later ,  I got to go home and sleep in my own bed next to my wife. Man it felt so good.  She came up to the room from a late night mail run and had a blank look on her fave I could tell something was Wrong.

Me" jewels?  Baby whats wrong? ".     She sat on the bed and handed me the piece of paper , it was from the girls family.  I couldn't help but cry, this want supposed to happen.  Julie looked at me and tears flowed from her eyes and she says to me  in a heartbreaking tone" what if that happens to me Shannon,  I'm so scared now ".   

The letter in my hands read as follows

" Dear Mr.Leto., 

We are humbled and so very thankful for the gift of life you have so generously given our daughter,  we owe you the greatest form of gratitude. Words cannot express the love we have for you,  and your selfless deed.  But we are writing you today to inform you of some sad new,  our daughter , Jesslin had lost her life and god has taken her back home.  Her body didn't accept the liver,  she got very sick and passed away in our home.  The funeral is I'm two weeks and we would be honered for you to join us.  Please let us know at this number.    With love and gratitude, the Jones family. Thank you. ".     I closed the letter and looked at Julie,  I was scared, even more to think I could face this happening to her. 

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