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This is the day, my heart is pounding with excitement as my lawyer speaks to me!
"You're sure about this Calvin?" He asks genuinely concerned.
"Yes this is the first step towards starting my life," I say as sure as can be.
My lawyer hands me over the packet of divorce papers. "I am shocked that this marriage is coming to an end. When I attended your wedding I was so sure y'all were in love. What happened?"
I sat and pondered before I answered. "Tam, Tam happened. My daughter happened and this is the first time in my life I've never felt so sure about anything! And thanks to you for making sure I had her sign a prenuptial! This should be easy-peasy." I say but as I look up, I notice his face says otherwise.
"Calvin, I don't think you understand what you're up against. Number one she's freshly out of a coma and in physical therapy from a gun wound caused by you and your wife. Rumor has it, she may be pressing criminal charges against you. As your lawyer and your friend I have your best interest at heart. I personally think the only reason she hasn't yet is because y'all are still legally married." I look at his face and I see the sincerity. My blood starts to boil. How could something that was supposed to be so easy turn into a nightmare?
"What does she want? A pay off or something because I'll slide her something under the table just for her to leave me and my family the FUCK alone!" I feel myself starting to breathe heavy. "She is the worst mistake I ever made! I deserve to be happy and so does Tam and Ari!"
He exhales before he proceedes, "Calvin, I don't know what she wants, maybe it's a check or maybe it's more than that. It could be revenge. Now I can offer you legal advice or friendship advice, which one would you like?" He stares me down awaiting my answer.
I pause, "Well both."
He stands from his chair and walks to close his office door and begins to pace around his office. He grabs a book from his oakwood bookshelf and sits back down. "As you know I also represent your parents as well as you, correct?"
"Yes," I say abruptly.
"Your family is really good with certain affairs," he says while handing me a card identical to the one my mother had given me the night of dinner. As I slide it in my pocket, he says, "I think it's time to go pay your parents a visit," he says while looking through my soul with a grin expression. "However, legally, I'd wait until after I talked to your parents to give Jamie the divorce papers."
"Well thank you! I guess I ought to be leaving and I'll set up a dinner to discuss things with my parents." I slide out of my chair, grab the divorce packet, and turn to leave the office.
"Calvin," he says abruptly. "Keep that in a safe place and you never got it from me."
"Yes sir."
I leave his office and get to the car, I pull out the card and stare at it a long time. It's time to pay my mother a visit.

The Story of Calvin and Tam (BWWM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora