Chapter 4 Calvin

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As I watched her storm away I ran into the house. "Jamie!! Jamie!" I yelled.
"what?" she called like she was clueless
"come here!"
Ari came up to me and asked "Daddy what's wrong."
"me and Jamie are about to have a grown up talk and I need you to go to your room we just decorated for you and play with your new toys," I tried to say as nice as possible. Ari ran off and thats when Jamie came down the left side of the double stair case.
"what's wrong Calvin your yelling like a maniac."
"what did you tell Tam."
"oh that.."
"Yes that!"
"only the truth!"
"what did you say and why did you say it!?"
"all I said was she was your mistake..." right then I felt my anger building up.
"why would you say that?!"
"because... She was saying how you and her loved each other and how y'all were going to be a family again. To me that was very disrespectful!"
"there's no way she could've said that!"
"oh so you're defending her now over your wife. So you must agree with her. You must still love her. You want to be with her."
"Nooo Jamie. I love her as the mother of my child. But I love you I married you. But I'll talk to her about what she said."
"no need darling the problem is already over," with that she kissed me and walked back upstairs. I know for a fact tam didn't say that she hid her emotions back in highschool and I'm sure she wouldn't let them out now especially to her. I called my best friends Christian and Kevin to meet up and have a play date so they could meet Ari. After they text back and we came up with a place I grabbed Ari and we left.
"that doesn't sound like something tam would say, " Kevin said
"maybe I don't know I never liked tam I would trust Jamie. I wouldn't want to make Jamie mad and plus tam is just your baby mama!" Christian added.
"I know tam didn't say it she's never shown much emotion!"
"well I don't really know hell but looking at your wife compared to Tam I think you hit the jackpot and dodged a bullet. Is tam still into dancing and stuff?" Christian asked.
"I don't really know but as upset as she seemed I bet she hit the studio right when she left."
"Christian is right you got a gorgeous white girl with titties and ass don't get me wrong tam is fine... And black."
"Nigga you black too," I started laughing
"my wife is white as milk though. Black girls are fine but not marriage material. They are loud and obnoxious white girls are cute and soft."
"right I'd never date a black girl!"
Right then I remembered how tam would always cuss people out and always fight people before she got pregnant but I also remembered how soft she was with me how her attitude changed. She had two sides and I loved both of them one was fiery but she could be gentle too.
"I bet white girls have better pussy too," Christian said
"I mean black girls stay tighter longer but they pussy look nasty and their cum is white and white girls got that clear color," Kevin said
I instantly got mad, "not all black girls pussy look nasty stop labeling a whole race with the ones you've seen."
"I'm just saying... Why does it matter your wife looks like Kate Upton mixed with Carmen Electra with an ass bro. If we finna talk about pussy how about Jamie's."
We looked out to see our kids playing in the park and going down the slide. They seem happy Kevin's Louie son is mixed and Christians daughter Angelica is white as snow then there's my baby Ari just as beautiful as ever smiling.
"well Jamie is a freak!"
"any more details."
"her head game is out of this world she's down to do any position in the book. She makes the sexiest faces and she always shaves everywhere asshole included so when I hit it from the back there's not a lot of hair."
"she sounds perfect. Didn't you say tam had a hairy asshole."
I bust out laughing at the memory "yeah but she shaved it but that was back in high-school when we fiiiirst started to mess around."
"who was better tam or Jamie?" they asked at the same time.
"wow they are totally different from each other. It's hard. I mean sometimes Jamie acts as if it's a job whereas Tam loved it but Tam was scared of her body and what I thought of it where Jamie shows it off I don't even know!"
We wrapped up our boys talk and got our kids and left. Me and Ari stopped by McDonald's on the way home. I got her a Happy Meal, me a double quarter pounder, and Jamie a chicken sandwich. When we got home we ate and I put Ari to sleep. I walked into me and Jamie's room and there she was naked.
"hey Calvin," she said seductively
"not tonight babe."
"whyyyy? It's because of tam right?"
"no it's because my sleeping daughter is in the house!"
I laid down and turned off the light. I heard Jamie huff and puff and she got in the bed.
"I swear I wish he never met that nigger" she mumbled
"I know you don't like her but my daughter is half her and we will respect her," I say sternly. She didn't respond.
Then we fell asleep.

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