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I looked up and saw Jamie pissed as fuck and my mind went blank.
"What the fuck are you doing? Calvin!" Me and tam immediately put on our clothes and I couldn't say anything.
"Really Calvin you can't even lie and say 'it's not what it looks like'?"
"I mean I can't do that because it is what it looks like," I say.
I look over to see tam finishing putting on her shirt.
"Really with her?! This is exactly why I didn't want you to get Ari back!" She looks at Tam "I mean it isn't like I didn't expect it... You black women are obsessed with white men," she says while rolling her eyes. " I just can't believe you actually got him to do this like look at me and look at you." Jamie drops her stuff and tries to lunge toward tam. I get in between them.
"No if Jamie wants to be froggy then let her jump!"
"Yeah I'm pretty sure this black piece of shit can't do shit. She has nothing. She's been passed around like an offering bucket at church," she says while laughing. "But cal we can get through this. I want this black bitch out though right now."
"I don't want to get through this though I love Tam!"
When Jamie realized what I said she turned around. "You're joking right?"
"Haha bitch he said no!" Tam said
"Sorry you know I'm petty," I couldn't help but smile.
That's when Jamie tried to attack tam. She kicked tam into the bed but tam didn't stay there for long! Tam started punching Jamie in the face and grabbed her hair and drug her on the floor. I went to get Tam off of her.
"You don't know how long I've been holding that back."
Jamie got up with a red face! "You'll be sorry! I'll make sure you and this coon won't last here or anywhere very long! This neighborhood is more white than you think Calvin you just don't know."
Then Jamie storms out the house! Me and tam look at each other and start laughing and then Tam started crying.
"What's wrong baby?"
"I'm so happy! You stood up for me finally! Let's go get Ari!"
Me and Calvin go get Ari while holding hands and the daycare teacher seemed surprised.
"Hi Ms.Domms! And are you Ari's father ?"
"Yeah I am."
"Well let me go get her!"
Ari comes out running. "Mommy daddy you guys are finally together!"
"Yeah and i was thinking maybe we can go get ice cream and go see a movie!"
"Sounds like fun daddy! Can we take mom to the park with all the statues?"
"Yes baby!"
We walk to the car and go to the park and movies.
"Hey daddy where's Jamie?"
"I don't think we'll see her anymore."
"So now I can tell y'all me and Jamie's secret?"
Me and tam look at each other in confusion. "What secret?"
"Jamie pushed me down the stairs that day!"
"What?!" We say at the same time.
"She said if I let her do it then you'll love me more!" Ari said while laughing
I make a u-turn to go to the police station. "You know I love you so much right?"
"Yeah she said then I could live with you and have brothers and sisters but they'll be white! And I've always wanted a brother! She said you'll never leave again either."
"I need you to tell Jamie's secret to someone else."
I pull to the police station and me and tam walk out and tam carries Ari inside. We are greeted with dirty looks as we walk in.
"Yes?" The lady at the front desk says.
"Uhmm I need an officer. Someone assaulted my daughter."
She rolls her eyes and gets an officer. "Ari I need you to tell this officer what you told me and your mother." Ari runs to the officer and went inside his office tam tries to follow but the officer says that she might've coached Ari to say something so they make us wait out here. As me and tam are waiting the officer from the night Kevin tried to rape her came up to me. "Calvin we need to talk.. Please follow me." Me and the officer walked down a hallway and we constantly got dirty looks. We finally get outside.
"Calvin I don't think it's safe for you here."
"Why? And why am I getting all these looks?"
"Word spread about you and Jamie."
"Okay and?"
"And in this town leaving someone like her for someone like tam is frowned upon."
"I don't follow?"
"Leaving a white woman for a black woman."
"This town is racist!"
"It's obviously not that racist if you work here and you're black."
"Look Calvin I'm trying to warn you. This town has been at peace for the longest time and something is brewing. You can't step outside you're own race here."
"I'm fine you're acting like its the 1960's man chill."
"Okay but don't say I didn't try to warn you! Oh and here's my card because if something goes down I don't think many people will help you. But if I were you I'd leave!"
"Ohh okay," I say while walking back in. When I walk back in I hear a lot of commotion.
"What do you mean you can't help her? This woman pushed my daughter down the stairs you heard her say it!"
"Ma'am please leave!"
"What's going on?!" I yell
"They won't pursue this!"
"Let's just go tam!"
Me and tam walk to the car and buckle Ari in. Ari falls asleep fast because it's 11:00pm. We get home and I tuck her in and me and tam get in bed and fall asleep.
Boom! Bang! Clank!
I wake up and check the time. It's 2:30am.
"What's that noise?" Tam asks
"I don't know but let me go check it out!" I grab my gun and walk toward the noise which is coming from outside. I walk out and see a burning cross and nigger lover spray painted on our driveway.
"What the fuck it's not the 1960's!" I say angrily
Then i remember what that officer told me about us leaving and the town not liking this. I go find his card and call him.
"Hello?" He says
"I know this is ridiculous but does the town have a KKK?"
"I told you to leave!"
"But I'm white why are they harassing me?"
"They are fine with black people and white people they just don't like em together! Dude we are in Texas what else did you expect?"
"It's 2016!"
"Racism never left it was just swept under a rug. I can have a conversation with a racist and not even know it just as long as you don't cross the line. And Calvin you've crossed it."
"I have a huge burning cross in my lawn and nigger lover spray painted on my driveway what do I do? Why is this happening?"
"I'll be over in a minute."
He got here and helped me put out the burning cross and wash off the nigger lover.
"What do i do?"
"Where do I go?"
"I don't know but they'll keep pushing for you to leave."
"why is this happening how does everyone know?"
"Let's just say Jamie was very well acquainted with the whole town."
Me and the officer said our goodbyes and I've never been so scarred in my life. I don't want to have to fight everyone to be with the one I love!

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