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I woke up and I look over to see my love sleeping peacefully. I began to stroke his hair in admiration while I study his face. His straight nose and beautiful big blue eyes always made me fall all over again.


Cal and I both leaped up. "What was that?" We ask each other at the same time.
"Oh my God Ari!" I say as I get up to run to her room. I run in to find her peacefully sleeping. I watch her for a few minutes before I quietly back out. I see Cal coming up the stairs... "What was it?" I ask
"Just a raccoon," he says
A sigh of relief came and then right after came a pain... "AAHHHH" I scream and fall as Cal runs to me.
"What's wrong?" He asks but unable to speak I just groan even more. "Oh my gosh Tam you're bleeding!" I look down to see that a pool of blood was coming from my legs
"Oh my God the baby!" I began to cry as I realized what was going on.
Cal calls my mom so she can watch Ari so we can go to the hospital. We finally arrive at the ER and the pain hasn't stopped. Cal grabs a wheelchair and rushes me to the receptionist. He gets us signed in and to a room. My heart is pounding as we wait for the doctor. She finally walks in and asks "what brings y'all in today?"
"I'm having sharp pains in my lower stomach and I'm currently expecting..."
"Awww yes I see, we'll get an ultrasound set up for you. I'll be right back."
Me and cal sit in a deafening silence until she returns and gets us to the right room. She puts the warm jelly on my stomach and begins the examination.
"I'm sorry ma'am but there's no heartbeat. I'm afraid you've miscarried."
I couldn't hold back my tears as Cal immediately came to comfort me.
"I'm sooo sorry baby! I'm sooo sorry!" He says close to tears himself. "Why is this happening to us?"
The doctor finally spoke up and says "we think stress is the cause of the miscarriage. Have you recently been in a high stress environment?"
My mind flashes back to Jamie and Kevin. I took a life from them and they took a life from me. I wish I could kill her all over again. 
"Yes I have been," I finally answer.
"We suggest that you take a few days off from work, go get a massage, and relax. I know this is hard for you to hear and I'm so sorry for your loss but just know it doesn't stop here!" The doctor says. "Would you mind if I prayed for you?"
"No not at all..." we all grab hands and she starts off the prayer
"Dear Lord, today we have lost a child but we know that your will, will be done. Please give Tamika and Calvin the strength to get through this and to overcome the battles and obstacles the devil has set in their path... now we know the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy but you have come to heal the broken and restore the strength to the weak... today is not the last day and it will get better from here! In Jesus name... Amen."
"Amen," me and cal say in unison
"Thank you sooo much ... I haven't prayed in so long!" I exclaim
"The devil sends horrible situations but God gives us the strength to help us overcome it... here's a prescription for the pain and here's my card if you need anything else just give me a call," she says and she gives us the warmest smile.
"Thank you sooo much I really needed that!" I say
"We both did," Calvin chimes in
"My pleasure. I'm always here to help!"
"Only if you knew the situation we were in," I say while giving a semi chuckle
"Well I'm one to know about bad situations.. my sister was recently in the hospital."
"Oh no what for?"
"She pissed someone off and got shot in her knees.. she almost bled to death but luckily someone found her but we still don't know who did it to her... she's not the greatest person in the world but she's still my sister... the whole incident actually got us to talk again."
Me and Cal looked at each other with the same expression and all I could say was "is that so?"

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