chapter 5 Tam

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I went to the dance studio and danced my heartache until I felt no pain. No emotional pain at least. I let everything flow out of me. My tears, my eternal screams, everything that has been building up since this case. I finally come to a resting point hours later. I take off my dancing shoes and realize my toes are bloody. I go to the sink and wash it off and wrap it up. I realize how late it was so I lock up and go to my car. I drive to a local bar and all that keeps going through my mind is I'm the black mistake he made every time I thought about it tears came to my eyes. I felt like every word was true. I finally get to the bar and see Chris's friend Kevin hitting on some white girl. Figures. I see he hasn't changed a bit since highschool. He looks up at me and smiles. I pretend I didn't see it and order my drink. He walks over and sits in the empty stool next to me.
"you know, it's not safe for a pretty lady to be out late at night!?"
"you know I'm not white right?"
"Ahh okay I see you got jokes Huh," he says while laughing
"and I see your married Huh."
"wow chill with the attitude I'm just trying to buy you a drink. It's weird seeing you how long has it been? Four or five years at least!"
"our five year high school reunion is coming up."
"you right. You right. You going?"
"probably. I can't wait to see how people turned out over all this time. Well not all this time but after five years. It's long enough to see how people turned out you know?"
"yeah. Remember when on senior ditch day we all went to Six Flags."
"no because I was at the doctor getting checked for Ari."
"oh my bad. Oh do you remember at prom when they got into that dance off and Sarah broke her ankle falling from her heels!"
"OMG yes and the ambulance came and nobody knew if it was safe to dance after she left but the party went on!"
"yes and remember that night after prom when everyone checked into the hotel?"
"no Calvin took me home because he wanted me to rest up. I was eight months pregnant you know."
"oh well that's the night cal met Jamie."
"what??? Tell me everything!"
"well that night after he took you home we all went to the hotel. Ends up another high school had their prom that night and went to the same hotel. Cal didn't have anyone to hook up with so he sat in the diner across the street and there was Jamie sitting by herself in a big prom dress. He walked up to her and ask why she was sitting by herself and that sparked a conversation that lasted the whole night. When dawn was approaching Jamie's friend came out and she left and that's when he realized he never got her number. He was pretty sad but he figured it wasn't meant to be. Then about a few months later when he went to college he saw Jamie again in one of his classes and that's the story of Calvin and Jamie."
"Wow he never told me that."
"yeah do you want another drink?"
After a few drinks few laughs and few hours later we finally got up. Kevin walked me to my car.
"I had a fun night with you tam."
"same. Thanks for everything."
I gave him a hug and he hugged me back he looked at me then kissed me. I tried to push him off but he wouldn't budge. He put his hands on my ass and tried to put them on my boobs. When I finally got my hands free I slapped the John shit outta him.
"I'm so sorry tam!"
"it's okay it's probably just the alcohol just don't ever do that again! Ever!"
"okay. Well good night."
"night", I got in my car and drove home. All I could think was wow!

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