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I chase Calvin outside to see him pacing around angrily, I could tell he's about to lose it. I can't lie, I'm fuming too, having to raise my daughter on my own. All the countless nights of not being able to sleep without dreaming of him, if I was even able to sleep at all. Being angry isn't going to take away from the past, though.
I walk up to him, and he acts like I'm not there. He just continues to pace while gnawing on his fist. Finally, he slows down and grabs me by my shoulders.
"What are we going to do?" He exasperates to me. "I'm not sure what reality is, who I am.. I'm DOOOOONE!" He screams, then bursts put into tears. "Poor Ari, she just witnessed everything by getting kidnapped, and now she has to deal with being a descendent of an evil family... Tam, if you wanna leave me, it's okay! You take Ari overseas and hide there and I'll come for you!" The words pierced through my heart. The thought of being separated from him once again brought instant agony. I finally have him back for myself, and he wants me to leave? "This is too much! Maybe I should've just stayed married to her, my life would be better, I'd still have my reputation... but I wouldn't have been truly happy." The words are flying through my heart like bullets at this point.
"Calvin, you don't mean that... I won't dare leave without you! Stop saying that! I went through hell and back with you! It's hard, Calvin. I know it is, but our love has overcome it all." I say as tears are streaming down my face.
"I'm sorry, Tam, I just don't know what is going on right now. All I know is that you've been true to me all along. I want you safe, dancing like you used to! Teaching like you used to, you don't deserve this, and Ari doesn't either. I just want to run away with you and forget all of this. Give Ari a new start!" He stops and has a realization. He smirks and turns to look at me with those eyes. "Actually... let's take a settlement and leave the States!" He begins to grab my hand, "we can leave start fresh! Away from this, get new names! What do you say? Do you trust me? We can finally live normal lives together!" I'm automatically taken aback. To leave all I've known? What about my mom? My family... how do I answer this question?
"Baby, I don't even have a passport..  what about my mom and my family? I can't just up and leave. I've never even been out of state!" I want him to know I love him, but we have to be practical. He looks at me as if he's lost. Like I just crushed his dreams. "But baby I'll consider for us I just have to think, this is a really big thing you're asking of me" I begin to fall in to a day dream and the world gets fuzzy, then I begin to picture every possibility.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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