Authors note

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Hey y'all just noticed I hit 1K views thanks for staying and following the journey! Also, I'd like to add that I hope y'all liked the racist twist. I was really debating on if I should add it or not but the Alton Sterling shooting in Louisiana kind of confirmed me adding the twist. I'm sorry if y'all don't like it but I feel as if racism is still alive even though it is 2016. We have gone a long way since the 1960's but I feel as if we are falling back into the same place we were in the 1960's I mean did y'all see how the KKK revival was trending on Twitter?!?! However, I would like to add that this generation is the most loving... You don't just see black men with white women you see all cultures intermixing! I hope one day race doesn't describe who you are, if you are a thug or not, or how attractive you are. Oh btw did y'all see that Jesse Williams speech? I know it got backlash but it's very relevant! Please keep voting and commenting( I love reading y'alls comments). And I hope y'all continue to follow the story. An update is coming very soon!

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