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I wake up to a large commotion and Cal still hasn't come back. I look outside and see Calvin and the officer putting out a scene I never thought I'd have to see. They were putting out a big ass burning cross and washing nigger lover off the front lawn. When I here Calvin come in I act like I didn't see anything and go to bed.
The next morning I take Ari to daycare and text my mom and my best friend. Neither of them knows that me and Calvin got back together so I choose to tell my best friend Lacey first. I drive over to her house and we do our usual greeting and sit down with margaritas in our hands.
"So girl what's been going on," she says in the heaviest Mexican accent.
"Oh my gosh a lot girl!"
"Oh no... What happened?" She asks while taking a sip from her glass
"Me and Calvin are back together and living together," she spits out her drink
"WHAT?!?!?! And you didn't tell me?! I thought we were best friends!"
"I'm sorry Lacey-Lace but it happened so fast!"
"Okay so how did everything start?! Tell me everything señorita!"
"Well you know how about 5 months ago I lost the custody battle?"
"Well when I dropped Ari off there was some flirting then his wife-"
"Oh shit Tam I forgot that man is married... Keep going," she says drinking her alcohol like water
"Well, she told me I was his black mistake!!! And I left pissed! Then one day he called me and asked me to meet him at iHop and we found out the truth about what happened after high school-"
"I still don't like that man for what he did to you mama. You were crying on me and trying to be a mom! While he was gone doing god knows what and not giving any shits about you!"
"Ends up he was writing me everyday and sending the letters to his moms house so she can give it to me. He thought that I abandoned him!"
Lacey's mouth dropped in shock..
"Yeah I know right! So we went to a festival and I was like hey I wanna fuck you so we went back to my place and just fucked!"
"Was it good?!" She asks hungry for information
"Giiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrllllllll best I ever had in my life! Until we gotta a call saying that Ari was in the hospital!" Her eyes widen "so me and Calvin race to the hospital and check on Ari and get her out and I take her home. Then his friend tried to rape me!"
"Which one?"
"Kevin Lewis?!?"
"Man I'll cut his dick off!"
"So I woke up in the hospital and stuff and Cal asked me to live with him and his wife! And his wife was being fake as fuck too! Tryna act all like she was trying to help me!"
"Man I would've beat her ass!"
"Girl you already know I wanted to handle her but I'm a mom now and I can't do that type of shit around my daughter. But anyways so me and Calvin went to my house and hurried and packed my stuff then we fucked again!!!"
"Oh my god mama! This is like porn!"
"I know right so I finally move in with Cal and everything and Jamie and I stayed throwing shade when he was gone... I said I was going to cook dinner and then she tried to bake a pie that she got off google then ended up getting a store bought crust," I saw laughing. "But anyways so yesterday I was home alone and Calvin came home and he was sweet talking me and he started trying to make love to me and girl get this.... Jamie came home while we was in mid-fuck!"
"Girl whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?"
"Yes," I say laughing "well long story short she got mad and told cal that they could get through this and everything... Then Calvin said he didn't want her he wanted me and we go pick up Ari and we go to a movie and dinner and have a celebratory day... Then Ari tells us that Jamie pushed her down the stairs and stuff so we take her to the police station which are all a bunch of racist assholes, we go home fall asleep then we hear commotion... Cal gets up to check it out and it takes him a while so I go look and there's a burning cross and nigger lover on our front lawn! So now I'm here."
I look at Lacey whose wide eyed and jaws dropped to the floor.
"Girl your life is like a soap opera! But who do you think it was?" Lacey asks
"The KKK I guess..."
"Hmm I don't know... That seems so old. Maybe it's just Jamie and her friends trying to scare you away."
"Hmm I didn't think about that."
"Yes girl..."
Me and Lacey finish our girl talk about dick and how Lacey wants a man. I look at the time and tell her how I have to go see my mom. I pack up and drive the familiar road to my mom's house. When I get near it doesn't surprise me to see my mom already waiting for me on the porch.
I get out the car and go hug and kiss my mom.
"Hey mom."
"Hey baby girl!"
"How you been?"
"Oh same ol same ol. How about you?"
"Mom I have to tell you something..."
"Me and Calvin got back together..."
"Baby I'm so disappointed in you! He left you for a white woman! And he left you to struggle! He went off to college and forgot about his responsibilities!"
"None of that's true mom. He tried to contact me he just sent everything to his moms house and she never told me."
"Honey that's a scene from the notebook!"
"It could be true you know his family never liked me ! Him leaving was a opportunity for them to make us disconnect!"
"I don't know honey.. What about his Barbie doll wife ?"
"He told her that he didn't want them to be together and that he's choosing me and not her !"
"Hmm well at least he's choosing you now..."
"But mom something really scary happened last night."
"What baby?"
"There was a burning cross and nigger lover spray painted on our front lawn... Lacey said it was probably Jamie playing a joke but could it be more serious?"
"Yes of course it could!"
"But mom the KKK is soooo old!"
"Just because it's old don't mean it hasn't gone away..."
Me and my mom finish up our talk and I drive to get Ari and go home. I see Calvin beat me so I'm not afraid. Me and Ari went inside to see the love of my life attempting to cook but everything was on fire and he was trying to put water on it.
I run and get flour and put it out and he looks at me and says "thank you!"
I look at him and can't stop laughing.

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