No Babies, Please || Part 1

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You were a great professional in your branch, very successful and welcomed everywhere, you were such a nice person, everybody loved you, so when you started to look pale from time to time, and seemed all out of energy and appetite, your colleagues soon recommended you to visit a doctor.

Once you were in the hospital, blood tests were run, the general doctor asked about your symptoms are you were quick to tell him all, your constant exhaustion, you always wanted to sleep, and from time to time you became dizzy, even when you try to keep yourself healthy, eat well, exercise, you haven't found your appetite.

And then he asked when your last period had been, and by your lack of response he knew you could be pregnant. So, he gave you two options, you could have another blood test run or get a pregnancy test. You went for the quick pregnancy test, you waited the five longest minutes in your lifetime, and there it was the word pregnant. Your thoughts were everywhere, and even when you have always wanted a baby, you hopped it would be just a false alarm, you have always been so careful with your pills, but no.

"Congratulations Mrs." Your heart sank to the floor, you wanted to feel happier, it was a baby, you have always loved babies, but you had fell in love with a man who didn't want babies, and you accepted and respected his decision, you did, but now things were different, the baby was already there, inside of you. Your worried expression didn't really surprise the doctor; he had already seen so many cases in which a baby was not wanted.

"You always have other options." He went on looking for some brochures but you denied them. "Do you want me to recommend you one of our best ob/gynecologists?" You nodded, words couldn't reach your mouth. What were you going to do?

You went to the gyn, slightly sweating and dizzy. She was so welcoming and nice, her speech so soft and giving you all the recommendations, answering all your questions, talking you through the pre-natal care and the things you couldn't eat or drink, how stress could affect the baby, asking the father's type of blood and everything. Then, after some of your math, you could be by far, two months pregnant. So you went for the ultrasound.

You could see the baby there you were almost 8 weeks, you could already hear the heartbeat, and you let yourself cry, it was all coming to you too fast, it was all so sub-real, there was a living being inside of you, heart pounding, growing, the doctor said everything looked great and gave you your ultrasound pictures and let you go home, to rest. But you didn't want to go home. Tears started running through your cheeks as you remembered one of the oh-so-many talks you had with Harry.


Harry had always been clear about kids, even before you two got serious, in the very early stages of your relationship. "Look kitten, I feel like I must tell you this, because I am falling harder and harder for you. I have never felt the need to tell anybody about this, so it is okay if you leave." He looked hurt, one of his arms was in your back, holding you tight, as if he didn't want you to run, the other hand was caressing your cheek, eyes pinned to yours. You were nervous. "I don't want kids, I know I like them, they look nice, but I don't see myself as a dad, I have so many plans for me, I want this to be my priority, you and my career, nothing else. I don't see myself stopping this, I want to sing for as long as people want to hear me, for as long as I have a voice. This is who I am." And you accepted that, you wanted to grow old with him, you wanted him and he loved you even more for that.


A couple of weeks back, you had talked to him about how one of your friends was having problems getting pregnant and how sad you felt for her.

"You know, maybe that's the fate telling her that babies are just not meant for her."


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