Busted kneecaps

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 "Mothman is a hero, how DARE you!!" 

~King Henry the 8th to his fifth wife, Katherine Howard. This argument led to her beheading, and Henry doesn't want to admit that he's a bottom and cannot argue to save his tiny little dick. 

Dan's POV: 

When I wake up, the white walls of the hospital room fill my vision. I try to reach forward, looking for Arin, my body screams with agony. I manage to sit up, finding my leg within a cast and my arms inside of a sling. The room echo's with my grunts and painful cries, completely empty aside from the machines and me. I can hear the EKG's monotone beats slowly increase, I feel myself  struggling to breathe. The world around me starts to spin, my mind begins to separate from itself as everything around me becomes an image on a TV screen.  I can't think, my body isn't mine, my thoughts aren't mine, my memories aren't mine. I feel warm for a moment, and for a second I can finally feel myself and see through my eyes. 

When I finally am able to see, my sight is filled with my friends. My Arin. His arms are tightly wrapped around my shoulders. It takes me a second to come back into my body, but when I do, I can feel his tears on my neck. 

"Arin..." My voice comes back to me, Arin grips me tighter his cries softening  as I lean my head against his. 

"Arin, hon, I need to check him. Please let me do that, okay?" Minerva's soft voice helps to ground me further, and Arin separates himself for me to let her work. Her hands are calm and gentle as she checks my vitals out. 

"Hey, are you okay Dan?" I snap back into the situation at hand, to find Minerva, Arin, Amy and Suzi all looking to me for my response. 

"W...what happened to Samara?" The room floods with echoes of my voice, and the chill that follows forces everyone to pale. 

"When the authorities arrived at the house, they found you, Arin, a baseball bat, and a revolver with two blanks but empty otherwise." I look to the open door where Emily stands with her hands on her hips. "There's blood from a different person, and the prints on the bat match a girl named Samara Johnson." She steps forward, her black  Louboutin heals clack against the shiny linoleum. "Signs of a struggle, clear harm on you both. It's great, real simple, except that she has no records of existing in this state or even being alive for the last two years." She stands at my side now, her black lipstick matted  and flakey from over wear. "So, Daniel, care to explain how there are massive amounts of her blood on the scene and some bone fragments believed to belong to her- and yet she just completely fucking disappeared." Her hand grips my jaw tightly, forcing me to look into her green eyes. 

"Emmy, darling." A hand lands on Emily's shoulder as Minerva gently moves Emily away from me. 

"Sorry,  Minnie." She takes a deep breath, her hands run through her ginger hair. "I'm okay." She turns to me again, her expression calmer than before. "That night might be hazy, I need you to tell me what happened." But before I can explain myself, Arin takes my hand in  his own and clears his throat. 

"Samara showed up at our house, she got in through the back somehow. It was maybe two in the morning, I walked into the hallway to see her bashing in his knee. I got the bat from her, but she had a knife and put it against his neck. She threatened me, said that unless I shot myself she'd slit his throat. But I talked her down somehow, she dropped the knife and I dropped the gun. She picked up the gun and I hit her with the bat. I just kept hitting her and hitting her, I had no control," I squeeze his hand, "but I knew Dan had called the police and I guess I just passed out."

Minerva watches us with a sour expression. "Normally, that would render her unconscious. She should've been at the scene still. But she was gone by the time we got there, the front door was unlocked and open." She takes a  deep breath, her eyes fall to the floor. "Honestly Dan, I'll be real with you, there's not much I can do for you. Without the suspect, legal actions can't really be taken."

Minerva asserts herself, pushing her glasses further up the bridge of her nose. "Samara Johnson, like 5'4" or 5'5", blonde, talks like a crazy person, weirdly qualified for medical practice with no basses of education?" Arin and I make eye contact, and nod in affirmation. "Well, good news, she used to mentor under me. Bad news, she's fucking crazy." 

"No shit?" Arin scoffs. 

"Point is, being that hurt would force her to either go to a doctor or self medicate; and I know the location of her latest residency, and she might be despite for help. I could try and locate her, and then get her arrested." Minerva chews on her index finger idly. 

"Minerva, you sexy bitch! I love you!" Emily jumps up, taking Minerva in her arms for a tight hug. The hug lasts a little longer than normal hugs do. "Okay, that could work, but you can't be in harms way." Emily cups Minerva's face gently, her expression softens considerably. 

"I know you don't want that, but I can't just sit here and watch as she hurts my friends. I have to take a chance, and you can't change my mind." Minerva gets this look in her eye, a look I've never seen before. And Emily smiles gently. 

"I know, just promise me you'll be extra careful, don't risk your safety." Minerva leans forward, and suddenly they're kissing. 

Silence fills the room as they separate and rest their foreheads against one another's. 

Emily clears her thoat, her face flushed a deep red. "I'll go talk to the authorities about this." And she lingers for a moment before leaving the room. 

"Duuuuude,, fuckin' congrats!!!" Amy breaks the silence, taking Minerva's hands in her own as she jumps around in excitment. "See, I told you she liked you!!" 

Minerva's cheeks flush, she lets out a nervous laugh. "I told the truth, but may have embellished  a bit. I was already planning to track her down."

"What? Why?" I find myself flooded with confusion, as she idly scratches at her blonde locks. 

"Dan, she stole something important from me." She gets this far away look in her eyes. 

"She stole my dick, Daniel." 

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