Innocent Beginnings

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"I'm like an Indian man in your DM's"


Arin's POV

"Okay so let's think about this, what do we want the plot to be?" Dan asked in my ear. 'What about two best friends who work together and spend every Saturday at each others house writing fanfiction to mask their feelings.' I thought to myself.

"Um what about her dad has a SUPER long nose," I suggested. I didn't even have to look over to see my best friend already typing out 'Legend of Zelda AU, where everything is the same except her dad has a really long nose.' As the sound of typing filled the room I could hear him laughing to himself. Shit.

"In the great castle of Hyrule, Zelda masturbated to her faithful knight, unaware in his room 50 feet away he was doing the same, but to her dad's nose.

'It's like a carrot!' He grunted." As Dan typed, I lose my fucking mind with laughter. Dan chuckles at my amusement, he obviously wrote this to test my insanity.

"Are we really gonna post this?" I ask and he turns to me slowly. Looks me dead in the fucking eye.

"What do you think Arin?" He asked sarcastically. He had his stupid fucking smirking on his face; like it doesn't make me gay and shit. I had to look away to hide the heat rising to my face. For a moment, and it's only a moment, I allow my thoughts to linger on him- what if he felt the same?

I can't think that, I love Suzie so much...


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