Mended Grudges

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"In the eyes of a Victorian man, I have pussy demons."

~Hilary Clinton, mere moments after having sex with Bill Clinton for the first time. 

Dans POV:

Three months have passed, and within those three months Arin and I haven't had any traumatic events, which was nice- it's like the teenage girls who write our shitfaced world don't want to write three months of shit for us to go through. OR they wanted to alter the timeline, 50/50. 

But today we actually had plans today, Suzi had gone through rehab and she wanted to actually apologize to us. Arin assured me that she wouldn't bring a gun or alcohol, hell she was even bringing someone else. I don't trust her still, but I love Arin and I know that he wants this. For him, I'll go. 

We're meeting in the very park Arin and I had first kissed in, I refused to be in a private place for this which Suzi and Arin understood. The cold air flows past us, the warmth of Arins jacket, and our intertwined hands, keeps me feeling safe. We're on the bridge, and Arin stops to look out on the somewhat frozen river. I stop too and lean on the railing of the bridge, we sit in silence for a moment. 

"I love you and I'm so glad that six months ago, we finally said it." He leans on the railing too, his gaze turning to me. "Kissing you, it was the best thing that I've ever done." I can feel tears well in my eyes, and Arin has them too. 

"I love you too, I'm glad that I wrote that Link x Zelda's dads nose." He and I share a laugh before he pulls me in for a short and loving kiss. 

"If you want to go, just say the safe word. I'll understand okay?" His eyes, god, they're filled with so much love and care. 

"Okay." I trust him, and this needs to happen. We need closure, need to talk to her. Even if it hurts. 

We move to the heart of the park, where we find Suzi sitting with another girl. They're sitting on a picnic blanket with a bowl of buttered noodles, grapes, cheese, and cheesecake. I squeeze his hand tight, and we place ourselves on the blanket. The other girl seems familiar, but I have trouble recognizing her. 

"Hey guys, this is my girlfriend, Amy." OH, it clicks, she's the nurse who helped Suzie and me. Amy cut her hair to end at her shoulders and dyed it purple, she looks totally new and it really suits her. Oh shit, her girlfriend? Maybe she sees it, my confusion because she smiles and wraps her arm around Amy. "I realized after a month of therapy, that I was forcing myself to be someone I wasn't. I'm really gay, well pansexual but y'know. Amy and I started to hang out, and I realized that I was in love with her at the beginning of this month. It's new, and I'm a little scared, but I feel happy and whole again." She explains to us, the whole time Amy is blushing and awe-ing at Suzi. 

I understand her reaction more now, internally she must have been suffering and not knowing why. I feel guilt rush into me, she acted rashly because of her own mental problems, I thought she was being selfish and mean. My stomach spins, I was a bad person and bad to her when she needed good. 

"But, that doesn't matter right now. I came here to apologize." She takes a deep breath, and Amy gently pats her back. "I know that sorry isn't enough and that just apologizing after every horrible thing I did won't just fix it. But, it's a start and I hope you can find it within yourself to forgive me and all of the dumb things I did. I'm truly sorry for hurting you both, especially you Dan, and the actions that I did were so wrong and unjustified. I'll do anything to make it up to you both, and rebuild our friendship." She was so calm and collected, she'd clearly practiced this many times before. 

I want Arin to respond, but I know that it HAS to be me. 

"I want to forgive you and to trust you as a friend again. It'll be hard, and if I'm weird about it I'm sorry, but I will try. You still gotta pay those hospital bills though." Amy chuckles at my statement. 

"Don't worry about it, she's been working her ass off to pay them. You're clear from them." I flinch and throw Suzi a look, but she only nods and blushes. 

"Let's start with eating the food, then let's go back to the house and play some Mario Kart." Arin, always the tension breaker, suggests that wonderful idea. And we all agree to have a game night, for our first tension breaker after all the stress of our lives. 


So, Arin rages really easily. That much should be obvious, but here we are, Suzi- playing princess Peach(something about it getting rid of her foot fungus,) Amy playing Princess Daisy, Arin playing Inkling girl, and me playing Yoshi. And Arin was just blue-shelled by Suzi which won her the match. 

"BRO, I'm in the first place and you have the AUDACITY to blue-shell me? HER SISTER WAS A WITCH DAWG." Suzi had landed in first, me in third, Arin in fourth, and Amy in 12th- absolutely VIBING mind you- and Arin was very upset that he didn't win, bottom.

"AND WHAT WAS HER SISTER? A PRINCESS, THE WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST DUDE!" I had no idea what was going on, only that Amy and I were absolutely vibin' to the moo moo meadows soundtrack. 

Of course, Amy is the 'mom friend' in this situation. 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND EAT YOUR PIZZAROLLS, it will calm you down." The two of them throw her a look. "YOU'RE GONNA TELL ME I'M WRONG? AM I WRONG?" I guess it's rare to see her ticked off because Suzi immediately listens to her girlfriend, but Arin- the bottom he is- defiantly tries to stir the dispute. I throw him the look, y'know the look, and he sighs as his 'top energy as fuck bro' flails before my big dick energy. 

There are more games, more laughs, and more bonding. By the time we all go to bed, the events that had perspired seem eons ago. 

Within our bedroom, Arin cuddles up in my arms. He smiles into my chest and relaxes as we both fall asleep. 


I wake up alone, a feeling that I really don't like. The bed is cold and empty. I feel a deep rutted desire to fill the bed and be with Arin. I get myself up, put on pants, and make my way to the kitchen. 

And he way,  pass Suzi and Amy cuddled together on the couch. They're so cute together, 

Arins at the stove, cooking what smells like blueberry pancakes. I hug him from behind, and he leans into me. He smiles wide and kisses my cheek. 

"Mornin'." I say, and try to kiss him but he moves his face from me. 

"Ugh, morning breath. No kisses right now." I feel so offended and then see that he's wearing his 'kiss the cook shirt.'

"It's the rules, Arin." And he squeals as I lay kisses all over him. He turns off the stove, and immediately starts running from me. And so, I chase him at nine in the morning. 

"It's THE RULES, ARIN, it's THE RULES." This culminates in me behind the couch and Arin opposite of me behind the coffee table. 

"Dude, it's nine in the morning. Go to bed." Suzi has a wonderful morning voice. 

"Yeah Daniel, we're in a living room, keep the gay tension to a minimum." Touche Arin. 

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