Christmas Times

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"This is a fleshlight!"

 ~Margarita 'Peggy' Schuyler mere moments after seeing a French horn, and was she wrong? Are you gonna tell me that I'm wrong?? Am I wrong???

Dan's POV; 

The days pass, ten days in the hospital, ten days of us spending every minuet we can together. Ten days of realizing that Arin doesn't feel comfortable around men at all, ten days of realizing that he wakes up almost every night with nightmares of Jason. He and I hold hands even as he sleeps; that and hella sleeping medicine is the only thing that can help him sleep peacefully. He comes more alive everyday, more like the Arin I know and love, we are able to joke like we  always do within the first week. And on the eighth day, he kisses me for the first time since Jason- and he tells me that he's sorry and that he's trying. I tell him to stop being an idiot and that I love him, even if he didn't ever want to kiss me ever again.  

Day ten we go home, he plays Britney Spears and Hannah Montana. He sings along theatrically and I join him. When we get home, Suzi and Amy are waiting on the porch, their eyes trained on the car. Arin and I get out, Suzi rushes in to hug Arin but when she flinches and moves against the car to protect himself. I place a hand on Suzi, and she backs up with a sorrowful expression. I hold my hand up to him, and take a deep breath in...and out. 

Arin's eyes are trained on me, he breathes with me. Soon enough he stops shaking, and I gently pull him into my arms. He melts in my grasp, I smile to Suzi and she gives a small smile. 

It takes a few more moments, but Arin lets me go, and turns to Suzi. 

He grasps her tightly in a hug, and Suzi eagerly accepts it with tears in her eyes. When they sepparate Suzi puts her forehead against Arins with a happy smile. 

"I'm so glad  that you're okay." They stay like that for a moment, and can feel a part of myself finally relax as Arin finally accepts another person to his life. 


Suzi comes and goes, Amy happily following her. I offer to help Arin shower, but he asks that I sit with him and keep watch over him. I agree without hesitation.

When he's done, we find our way into the living room. I ask him to put a christmas movie while I make some hot coco; of course Arin being the way he is, he puts on A Nightmare Before Christmas, and I shoot him the dirtiest look I can manage. 

"You know that's a Halloween movie right?" I ask teasingly. 

"WHAT?! The whole plot of the movie is levied on Jack taking over Christmas though!" He reply's like a bottom, opening his weighted blanket for me to join him in snuggling. 

"Okay yeah, but the end is clearly saying that Jack is only meant to do Halloween things and Santa does the Christmas things. Plus, there's that one really scary point with the boggy-man eating santa like the snack he is!" I argue, snuggling with him in our blanket and setting the hot chocolate on the coffee table. 

"But the whole movie is centered around Christmas, it's even in the title!" His argument is weak sauce, but I know his stubborn ass won't give up till I agree. 

"Yeah, it is in the title and the movie does center around Christmas. Can we just agree to disagree?" I ask, using my puppy eyes and placing my head on his chest. His hands go into my hair.

"Yes, we can. Even though I'm right." He plays with my hair, fingers running along my scalp and pulling at my curly frizz from time to time. 

I close my eyes, listening to his steady heartbeat. And I let myself drift to sleep, for the first time in a while, I actually feel at peace. 


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