Unwanted Conversations

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"We are not sponsored by Steak and Shake, we don't make any money. BUT if Steak and Shake is reading this, we'll gladly take a sponsor. Please sponsor us. We're very broke."

-The Authors (we started this book at 10:33pm, it is now 5:54am, KILL ME)

Arin's POV

I sit in the booth as I feel tears rushing to my eyes. Yet, I refuse to let them fall. I lean down to take a drink of my Oreo Milkshake. What have I done? I'm not that guy, I'm not the guy that cheats on his wife. But what I feel for Dan, it's real and scary. It's more intense than anything I feel for Suzie. But, she's my wife, I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with her.

The door flies open and I glance up to see Dan looking around panicked. He was shaking like a leaf, he looked trapped, like he was drowning. He spotted me and his stature dropped, the relief of finding me flooding him. He made a B-Line for my booth and my stomach sank. Fuck. He took the seat opposite me and sighed.

"Listen Arin we have to talk. This unspoken thing between us is killing us both. But for the love of God I don't want to have this conversation in a steak and shake so can we go?" Dan said running his hands through his hair in frustration. I sighed, there was no way I was getting out of this. I ordered my milkshake to go and looked at Dan. He hadn't said a word to me since and I could tell he was just as fucked up about this as I was.

"I'm sorry." I muster and he raises his eyes to meet mine.

"For what, Arin?" He asks, his eyes brimming with tears. "I was the one that did everything wrong. I ruined fucking everything, as per fucking usual." He says letting the tears spill, my heart breaks.

"Dan stop," I say cutting him off as he wipes his cheeks quickly. "This isn't your fault, I'm the one that caught feelings for you. I'm the one that made the story about us. I projected, you never said anything. If it's anyone fault for what we got ourselves into, it's mine. Don't blame yourself for all of this please, let's just go." I say and grab my shake and reach for his hand.

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