Unwelcomed Intruders

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"Obama deserves all the pussy in the world" 

~Samuel Seabury, we know what you really wanted to say Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Dan's POV; 

Arin and I spend about an hour going through all the things the fans had given us, he bitches about fans thinking he's a petite little boy and I tell him to stop being a bottom. After we go through everything, organizing it into, snack, clothes, and art piles, we sit on the couch- Arin happily lays on my chest as we watch some game grumps compilation. I'm running my hands through his hair, when I get a sudden and unwelcome feeling. I quickly scan the room, frantically looking for something. Arin must feel me move or hear my heart jump, because he lifts his head to throw a concerned look at me. 

"Are you okay?" He asks quietly.

"Yeah...Just.." I struggle to put the feeling into words, "felt like we were being watched." Arin's expression doesn't change, but he does bring a hand to my face. 

"You're too tense Dan, let's go to the room."

My mind instantly goes with a more suggestive ending to that sentence, but I shake it off as Arin gets off my chest and stretches. He turns off all the appliances, and takes me by the hand. My brain panics, urging me to go and check all the locks and windows. But I ignore it, in favor of following my beloved to our bedroom for some well deserved rest and relaxation. 


We cuddle for a few hours, Arin falls asleep after thirty minuets. But I wake up again, its two in the morning. I untangle myself from Arin and find myself blindly walking to the kitchen for some of that good good two am water. 

As I pass our glass screen door, I notice that its  slightly ajar. My brain panics for a moment before coming to  a calm, we just left it open. I take a moment to convince myself  of that, before I close the door  and firmly lock it.

Only, now my anxiety won't stop screaming to check on Arin. It's demands fill my mind till it has convinced me that I NEED to check on him, to make sure he's okay. Before I can even think, my body moves towards our room.

In the hall, a darkened figure stands at our door way. 

"Arin?" I call out.

The figure perks up, but doesn't respond. As I get closer, my thoughts riddled with anxiety, I begin to notice. Arin isn't that short..

"Arin?" I try again, but this time the figure turns to me. 

"Nope, try again, Danny." Her voice echoes through the hallway, and my blood goes cold. Memories flash through my mind of Suzi pointing her gun at me, I can't move I can't moveI can't moveI can't moveI can't moveI can't moveI can't moveI can't moveI can't move. I CAN'T MOVE.

The figure stalks closer to me, her face becomes more recognizable as he draws closer. 


"Bingo." She smiles wide, her arms spread wide- gesturing for me to hug her. 

My body shakes, my legs force me back. But this makes her smile fall and her eyes fill with distaste. 

"Ouch Danny, you know you're supposed to hug fans right?" She only continues forward, as she does I notice a baseball bat in her hand."Jeeze, you're acting way different than before. I wonder why." She's toying with me, making my head swarm with so many bad thoughts.   

"Samara." My voice utters, shaking just as much as my body. "W-what are you d-doing here?" 

Samara seems pleased at my reaction to her.

"Silly, I'm here because the writers wanted it. And because I've decided to defy them and take you all for myself." Her smile is back, and her posture shifts. 

"Writers? What are you-" she pounds the bat on the wall next to me. 

"THEY ARE WRITING ME! Forcing me to be just a little background character in your story! But I think its BULLSHIT" She chuckles as she becomes more and more erratic. 

"They want me to stand alone and fester in  my love for you! But I am NOT letting them tell me what to do! I'm taking charge, AND I WANT YOU!" Her hand goes to my chest and up to my neck. "You agree don't you? You want me too, yeah?" Her hand grips the base of my throat. "Right?" She drags the word.

I can't breathe and she's not letting go. My hands go up to hers, and force them off.  In desperation, I fall to the ground ands push myself far from her. 

There's silence for a moment as I gasp for air. 

But she clicks her tongue. 

"Pitty, I didn't want to hurt you." She grips her bat with two hands. "But you're not listening to me Danny. I guess I'll just have to MAKE you listen."

She lifts her bat, I try to get up and get  away...

But she. . 

Brings her bat down. 

And for a moment I think she missed.

Then I see it, blood. 

Oh my god. 

She fucking bashed my knee in. 

"Oopsie, looks like you can't go anywhere." She giggles like some sick fucking school girl, her expression euphoric.

I think I scream, I think she laughs. I think she tries to go for my other knee. She does try to get the other, but something stops her. Someone stops her, and I recognize that hairy man anywhere. 

Arin, I feel my arm give out from supporting my weight. I hit the floor, but I can't hear or feel anything. I know he's there and that is enough. 

I give in to the call for sleep. 

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