New Triggers

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"Sophia the first was a bi icon."

-Arin Hansen at 7 pm just hanging out in a Tacobell parking lot. Perfectly sober. 

Trigger Warning: Rape, Assault, Murder, Blood, Gore.

Arin's POV

I can't get the images out of my head. The feeling of his hands on my skin, his knife in my stomach, the cigarette on my neck. It all happened so fast. We went into the bathroom and then everything felt like it was in slow motion. He went from a stumbling drunk to sober in seconds. He grabbed my wrists and had me up against the wall. I tried to struggle, I tried to escape but I wasn't strong enough.

I was cornered, he knew I couldn't escape so he let go, and stood in front of me looking me up and down like I was just prey to him. Then he started touching me. His hands found their way up my shirt and across my thighs. When I tried to move away from his touch he'd only grab me harder. His nails dug into my thighs like razor blades. He tried to get my shirt off before I started to scream. He planted his hand over my mouth to silence me so I bit him. Hard. Which was a terrible terrible idea. He pulled a small pocket knife from the hem of his pants and twisted it into my stomach. I lurched in pain. All he could do was laugh as I started to crumble to the floor.

He made me stand up, told me that if I wasn't going to use my legs he'd make it so I couldn't. Blood pooled against my shirt as I started to get dizzy. But I continued to stand and stare at him in horror and disgust. The pain wasn't even that bad yet as shock had taken hold of my whole body. He circled me and looked at me with a sticky grin as he pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket. He lit it and as he smoked he continued talking. I barely caught any of it. Between the shock and the blood loss, everything started blurring together. I knew I should fight back, but I couldn't do anything about it. I was frozen with fear, a deer caught in headlights. 

As he went on and on, someone entered the bathroom. I knew I should be relieved.  A small part of my brain recognized the long curly hair but I couldn't figure out how. I didn't move, I didn't speak. Not that I could if I wanted to. Whatever the curly haired man was going to do, I wasn't going to alert Jason of him being there. As Jason went on I watched the man fiddle with a faulty soap despencer on the wall. He twists it until it comes off, staying silent. Then with the soap dispenser in hand, he slowly creeps up on Jason. As he rears it back in preparation, Jason leans forward. He presses the butt of his cigarette to my collar bone twisting it as he puts it out on my skin.

The pain is so overwhelming I think I'm going to throw up but my whole body is so busy panicking that it can't think about physical ailments right now. Tears stream down my face as I press my hand to the charred spot on my shoulder. I think I can see the man crying too. He rears back again and goes in with full force. Slamming Jason over the head with it. Jason hits the floor and the man comes rushing over to me. As he speaks to me, nostalgia rushes over me. He reaches for me but I flinch. I don't want to be touched.

But then it all hits me. Who this curly haired man is. The shock subsides as his face slowly becomes clearer. It's my Dan, he's come to rescue me. But as the shock subsides so does the bodies natural pain killer. The pain overtakes me as Dan tries to get me to breath with him. Focusing on my breathing is the only thing stopping me from vomiting all over Dan. Slowly I take his hand. "Dan-" I begin to thank him, I start to feel safe again. Until I see Jason's body shift. My eyes dart to him. Dan follows my line of sight and stands. He finds Jasons knife and looks at him and I know what's going to happen next.

He finds his pulse and I have to look away. What he's doing is right, but it's still murder. He finishes the job and I hear him dialing 911, recalling the story to the police. Then I black out.


I wake up in hospital bed. Something that's slowly becoming normal for us. Dan is sitting beside me holding my hand. When he sees I'm awake he immediately starts apologizing for not being there. Why can't he understand that he was there. He saved me. Jason would have killed and defialed me if Dan weren't there. I tell him it's okay, and as I try to relay these thoughts aloud I burst into tears. He reaches forward to pull me to his chest and for a second I hesitate. I want to flinch away but as his voice starts to console me I realize even if it's only his. I'm safe in his arms. 

I know I'll never be the same again. It'll be a long road to recovery. But right now, in Dan's arms everything feels okay. 

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