Happy Days

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"Please don't let the grumps see this." 

~The authors after, I shit you not, three days of writing. 

We wanted to stay like that all night but my blood pressure had dropped around 11 pm, and Arin was asked to leave room while Amy worked. 

I already missed the warmth he brought, shit I really love him. Finally, I was with the guy I loved. Amy must've seen my unconscious smile because she chortled a little. 

"You're really in deep huh?" She asked, her voice was light, sweet, obviously tired but not wanting to show it. I could feel a draw to her, she had that type of personality to her. 

"Huh," my voice sounded so foreign to me, "yeah... Yeah I really am." She smiled at my response, her hands working diligently to check my blood pressure. 

"He seems nice. He visited you every week, and every time he had to leave he would kiss your hands and ask you to be awake the next morning," she looked ethereal as she spoke, gaze soft and hands forever moving. I could feel my heart skip, or maybe it was the EKG's monotone beep changing tempo. Arin had't given up on me, he never had even after coming every week to see me. 

"I had delivered papers to him once, organ donations, because you hadn't shown signs of mental activity. But he didn't even read them, he just looked at me and said 'he's still there, I know he is.' before handing them back to me and turning his attention to you." She was finally looking at me, her expression turned from soft to guilt in just a second. 

My cheeks were wet? Oh shit, I was crying. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be insensitive or imply anything!" She was panicking as the tears flowed from my eyes. I wanted to tell her that she didn't need to be sorry at all, but my throat had clogged.

He never left, he never gave up on me. Even when I wasn't there for him. He was always there.

"Uhh, shit, I'm bad in these situations." She was mumbling under her breath as she desperately reached to her lab coat for tissues. I laughed at her as she dropped them. 

The relief on her face as she saw me laughing was enormous. She handed me the tissues and sighed.  "Sorry, I should leave," she  hesitated for a moment, "do you need anything?" 

"Tell Arin to get his ass in here." My voice  cracked, but she smiled warmly at me and left  the room. 

Arin was already standing at the door when she had opened it. He walked in, closed the door behind him and finally he was beside me again. 

I felt a surge of emotions roll through me, but before I could even say anything he spoke. 

"Suzi just called." He was distant, we didn't want this to happen right now. "She asked if we could meet Saturday, so she could say sorry." He didn't want to talk about this right now, I knew that much. 

"Arin," I let my hand gently scratch up and down his back, "it's been one hell of a night. Right now I want to lay in the crappy hospital bed with you, lets think of her tomorrow okay?" Arin looked exhausted, he practically melted at my touch. 

"But, what if this is a dream? What if I made this all up and you aren't really awake?" He looked so anxious, he wanted to sleep but if this was a dream, he didn't want it to end. I promised to be with him every step of the way. 

"Hey look at me," the hand that had been scratching his back traveled to his cheek and he turned to face me, "if I'm fake and you made this all up would I really do this?" And I leaned forward. 

"Fuck your father." The crab voice must have startled him, because he flinched before breaking out in laughter. Mission success. 

He laid his head on my lap and let his eye close. I laced my fingers in his hair and gently scraped his scalp as we both well asleep. 


The morning had come and gone, my parents had come to see me before my physical therapy had begun. They cried and hugged me as Arin explained the whole situation. My father, never the one for too many emotions, let himself cry this once and made me promise to get pancakes with them soon. 

Physical therapy wasn't too harsh, my limbs were sore and weak but I was able to walk okay. Arin was there to help me all along the way. And by the afternoon I was discharged with a prescription for pain relievers and a crutch to help me walk for a while. 

 We were off to Arins house, fingers looped together. 

Finally, the drama was over. 

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