Final Kisses

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"I know you have a dick, it's our dick and its 33 miles."

~That red Teletubbies bitch, Poe the motherfucker.

Dan's Pov:

I could feel myself breaking. He was okay, he was still my best friend. I looped my hand with his and pulled him into a hug. Everything just broke apart at that moment, tears spilled from my eyes. I leaned my full weight on him, as I cried I could feel him shaking too. God, it took me till this to realize.

The hug lasted for five minutes. I was the one to pull back. He was crying too. I never wanted to see him cry like that ever again, I wanted to be the one who made him smile every day. I wanted to hold him forever, but we still needed to talk about this.

So, up we went, together in tandem. There was so much I wanted to talk about, too many things. We had been walking in silence, till we came upon an arched bridge. The silence was deafening.

"How long? Had you liked me, I mean." Oh shit, I said it without thinking.

"Seven months? It took me a long time to realize the love I felt for you wasn't just platonic. I, shit this going to sound super fucking dumb, but I realized it was romantic love when you had a panic attack and I helped. It felt so good that I was the one who helped you feel better." Arin's gaze was distant, he was letting his heart talk- he didn't care anymore.

I turn to face him. "Remember when you asked me if I had ever thought of kissing you?" Arin chortled, nodding his head in agreement.

"Back then, I said no, but I think I want to change that answer." I could feel my heart thudding in my chest, my anxiety balled in the pit of my stomach.

"To what?" Arin asked as he turned to face me. The light of the rising sun, soft rays lighting his face, made him look so beautiful at that moment.

"Now," his brows furrowed in confusion, "I'm thinking about kissing you now." I fought the urge to break eye contact, I needed him to know that I was serious.

Arin, took a moment to gauge my response. I would be hesitant too.

Arin placed his hand on my arm, took a moment to look at me, and like magnets.

The connection was instantaneous.

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