Hospital Visits

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"So we wrote for eleven consecutive hours and then passed out for another 10 and now we're back. We may have a few more brain cells than we had prior. Still looking for that sponsorship from Steak and Shake."

-The Authors

Arin's POV

Holy shit. He's passed out. The shot glass shattered upon impact when it hit his temple. The second he hit the floor everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. Suzie's hand flew to her face and started crying, immediately regretting her actions. I ran to his side, checking for a pulse. When I find one I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Call fucking 991!" I yell and Suzie yelps, rushing to grab her phone. As she dials the number I hear someone crying. Only to find the sobs were coming from me.

"Come on Dan, stay with me please." I sob into his shoulder as I wait for the ambulance. Suzie sat on the couch, her gaze locked on Dan. Apologies spill out of her mouth and I bite my tongue. That fight is for another time.

Finally, the ambulance arrives and takes Dan on a gurney. As they load him I get asked a bunch of questions. They ask what happened and I glance towards Suzie. She's sat on the couch tears streaming, gripping her dress, and shaking with sobs. My beautiful wife, one of my best friends. What she did was bad, but 'heaven hath no rage like love to hatred turned. Nor hell a fury, like a woman scorned.' She shouldn't have done it but I shouldn't have done what I did either. She doesn't deserve to go down for this.

"He fell," I say reluctantly trying to think on my feet. "It's gonna sound dumb but we were being idiots and goofing off and he fell off my table and hit his head on the way down, dropping his glass as he went down," I say as the officer writes it all down. He lets me go and I climb into the ambulance with Dan taking his hand in mine. They drive us to the hospital and Dan still hasn't moved.

As we arrive they wheel him into an immediate CT Scan as I sit in the waiting room wringing my hands anxiously. I look around at the room of other families worried and I feel like I'm about to be sick. My phone rings and I see that it's Suzie, I answer reluctantly and her broken voice fills my ears.

"Is he okay?" She asks and I take a deep breath.

"He hasn't woken up," I say solemnly and I can hear her shift on our couch.

"You covered for me." She says simply, the statement holding more guilt than I thought she was capable of holding.

"Of course I did," I say without hesitation. "I guess it was justified," I say guilt taking hold of me as well.

"No, it wasn't you can't control who you love. All I want is for you to be happy, Arin. If he gives you that then stay with him. I shouldn't have snapped like that, just answer me this; could I have done anything to make you stay?" She asks and I can hear her voice cracking.

"Honestly? I don't think so." I answer running my hand through my hair. I hear her sigh.

"That's all I needed to know, goodbye Arin." She says and hangs up abruptly. I turn my phone off and set it in my lap. I start to drift off into a nightmare ridden sleep.

Soon enough a doctor comes out to greet me, her face says everything.

"We need to talk about the possibility of him staying in this coma. Do you know if he has a DNR?" She asks and her words tear through me.

"No, keep him hooked up to everything you have for now please," I say and she tries to continue talking but I miss every word she says. I get led to his room and see him with a bunch of tubes and cables and I wince. I take the seat beside him and hold his hand in mine.

"Dan, my love, I don't know if you can hear me but I'm here. I'm not leaving your side okay? Come back to me. Fight the light, bring yourself back to me." I cry into his chest. No response.

June 2nd,2013

I stare at Dan, underneath the tubes and beeping I still see the man I fell in love with. It's been a little less than two weeks and still no sign of change. Doctors are shoving organ donation papers down my throat every twenty minutes.

"I won't give up on you. I can still feel you with me, I know you're here. Just come back. Please"

June 26th, 2013

The Doctors have suggested giving up, saying that there's not enough activity in the brain to suggest a recovery. They keep mentioning pulling the plug. And I'm starting to think they may be right.

"Dan, please. They keep telling me miracles happen every day. Meeting you was my miracle, please don't tell me that's all the ones I get. You have been my best friend for so long, I was too much of an idiot to see that we were always meant to be more than that. Finally, after I get to be with you, this happens. Don't tell me this is all we get. Don't tell me this wasn't all worth it. I've spent every night here. Only going home about once a week to shower and pack new clothes. Last week when I came home Suzie was gone, she took all of her stuff. Not even a note, she just... disappeared. Without you, I'm completely alone.

"I love you, Dan. Don't leave me, you know I'm not strong enough to stand if you're not holding me up. You promised you'd be there for every step of the way. I can't do this alone. I can't live without you. You're not ready to go yet. I'm not ready for you to go yet. We're just getting started. Fuck Dan, come back to me." No response.

July 7th, 2013

I sit in my living room my head in my hands. I haven't had the heart to go back to the hospital this week. I feel like I'm losing him, I can't feel him as strongly anymore. I'm losing hope. Then my phone rings. I answer it to hear his doctor's voice, filled with excitement.

He's awake.

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