Empty Shells

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"I have never read a Dan and Arin fanfiction and I live by that."

-The Authors, five minutes before - I shit you not - writing a 20 chapter gay Dan and Arin fanfiction.

Trigger Warning, blood gore I'm sorry

Arin's POV

Dan frantically ran around the house picking up anything we left lying around while I cooked lunch. I was cooking my comfort food because I figured it would ease tensions. Pasta with butter and cheese or "American ramen" as my lovely boyfriend calls it. Suzie is gonna be here in like twenty minutes and we accidentally ended up sleeping in, and now we were kicking ass trying to get ready. This was huge, this was the new beginning we needed. After everything we had been through we needed this win. 

Finally, we were ready. We sat in the living room waiting for her to get here. Soon an hour rolls by, no sign of her. The food had gotten cold and we had grown impatient. I swear to god if she doesn't show. That's when we heard a loud bang at the door resembling a knock. I stood up to get it and Dan backed into the kitchen. I could see anxiety written all over him. Images of the past crossed his mind and I pause on my way to the door. I quickly rush over to him wrapping him in a hug.

"It'll be okay, I won't let her hurt you," I say stroking his hair. He nods trying to control his breathing. 

"What's taking so long fuck faces?" I hear Suzie yell, slurred from behind the door. I look at Dan and he shoots me a concerned glance. I step to the door cautiously and open it to see her leaning on the door frame. The smell of alcohol stings my nose and I wince. I let her inside and she looks around the newly decorated house.

"God you guys did a good job decorating, where was Arin's sense of design when he was mine?" She asks laughing and Dan and I laugh awkwardly exchanging glances. 

"I hope you don't mind, I've grown very fond of day drinking recently. Since Dan stole every good thing about my life." She says slapping Dan's back lightly making him jump and instinctively drift towards me. He stood behind me his shoulder against my back. I could feel him shaking and I sighed.

"Suzie, if you wanna stay here, me and Dan are gonna go in the kitchen to reheat up the food," I say and she nods sinking into the couch. I grab Dan's hand pulling him in the kitchen with me.

"You okay?" I ask and he pulls me towards him. 

"No, fucking. I broke her Arin. I broke a woman." He says shaking I hold him tightly. I can feel his breathing is incredibly fast along with his heart rate.

"Hun, it's okay. I told you I wouldn't let her hurt you. Also, you didn't break her. I did." I say and he shakes his head.

"She's wasted Arin, she's not here to apologize." He says looking down at me. "I know how desperately you wanted to make amends but she didn't have the same idea." 

I nod and sigh. "I know, I can't just tell her to leave but I know she has to go," I say running my hand through my hair. "Hey, Suzie," I call making my way towards the living room but stopping dead in my tracks as I see Suzie standing with a Glock 45 facing directly towards me.

"Whoa hey fuck Suzie why?" I stutter in panic shooting back. Dan starts to walk towards me and my eyes go wide. "DAN NO!" I shout but that's all the time she needs, he was just in her line of sight. 

She shot.

The ringing in my ears takes over everything, at that moment I only cared about Dan. I can feel a force knocking me slightly off balance but I had to make sure he was okay. I turned around to see him, he was fine. No blood, no bullet holes. Relief flooded me. Until he rushed to me screaming. I didn't know why he was freaking out he was okay. She missed. 

Then I felt the pain in my shoulder. The adrenaline fled my body as I looked down to see blood running down my arms. The stinging in my arm knocked me to the ground. Dan followed me down catching me the best he could. As I got on the ground he stood and made his way to Suzie. Upon dan noticing her, she tried to book it, taking off outside the house. But Dan was faster he caught her and wrestled her to the ground. He punched her. Hard. There was a sickening crack and she fell to the ground yelping. After she was down he returned to me. 

I had begun to lose consciousness but he picked me up and set me in his lap while dialing 911. "Don't fucking close your eyes Arin. Do not go to sleep, you fucking stay with me. He was shot, he was fucking shot. There's an exit wound and he's bleeding out." He says panicking as he stutters out the address. After hanging up he set his phone down pulling me closer. I can feel my eyelids getting heavy. 

"Arin I swear to fucking god do not leave me. Listen to me they'll be here soon and they can fix you. I swear to god don't you dare die from this." He yells rocking back and forth, his eyes have glazed over in panic. I want to stay awake for him, I don't want to leave him but it is so hard to stay awake. I can hear him talking to me but none of it sounds like English, just foreign noises flooding my ears. I think Suzie is crying. Everything is so loud and overwhelming. Jesus Christ Suzie is crying so fucking loud. I hear it everywhere. 

"Shut the fuck up." I try to slur. As I speak I realize my voice is overcast by sobs. It's not Suzie I hear, it's me. The awful, nearly inhumane noises were coming out of me. I was becoming lightheaded and I could barely hold my eyes open any longer. Finally, the muffled sound of sirens fills my ears. 

Sensations overwhelm me. People yelling, beeping, hands all over me. I think I'm being lifted. That's when it all goes black. I can no longer keep my eyes open and all the people screaming at me. It's all too much. 


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