Deep Breaths

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"I may have been wrong about Arin, but I am not wrong about Buford." 

~John Mulaney brief moments before assassinating Princess Dianna, their conversation was carried by a duck- and we don't trust that bitch #thebirdsworkforthebirdgeoisie

Arin's POV: 

For a moment, I thought I was imagining things. Dan didn't want to hurt her, but what made me so confused was the 'anymore' he had added to the end. 

I was about to say something, ask his what he meant by that, but he spoke before I could utter a word. 

"I took you away from her, you saw how much that mentally fucked her up. I drove her to alcohol, it was me. I'm the problem." He was shaking, and I could feel my blood run cold. I really hope he's not saying what I think he is. 

"Dan..." I lifted my hand to try and reach out to him, he was drowning himself within the rivers of guilt. 

"No, don't say it wasn't my fault. Don't try to say that it wasn't me; because of ME, you're in the hospital. Because of ME, I had to make you think about pulling the plug for three GODDAMN months. Because of ME, you almost died and I hurt Suzi because of it!" He banged his hand on the table, punching it with every declaration. His knuckles were starting to bleed. 

I lift my hand. 

And slap him. 

Finally, he looks at me. Tears in his eyes, and cheek swiftly becoming more flush. 

" Dan, I NEVER blamed you for any of that!" I hadn't realized that I, too, was crying. "I LOVE YOU, and I want so badly to be there for you. The relationship we have, our friendship, it's everything I've ever wanted! YOU ARE THE PERSON THAT I WANT!" I let the tears fly down, finally breaking. "Don't say this is your fault, none of this was anyone's fault." 

"...Arin." He grabbed my hands, the pressure of his body was the only thing grounding me. "I-I... I'm sorry, I just...." He leaned forward, and placed his forehead on my own. "I just don't want anyone to be hurt again." 

For a few minuets, we stay like that. Foreheads together and tears cascading from our eyes. 

I break the silence. 

"Dan, after this is over we need to get a therapist. You and I are emotionally not cool, and I really really need to be emotionally cool for a few months at least." I wrap my arms around him, and gently scratch his back. 

"I want to be better, feel better. But maybe we should do baby steps, for now." He shifted so that his head lay on my chest. "...can we get an emotional support doggie?" He asks me in that little three year old voice, throwing in the puppy eyes for needed flair. He knows that I, legally, cannot say no to the puppy eyes. 

"Fine, but you gotta walk them." His eyes lit up, as he clenched my shirt excitedly. 

"Corgi! With a lil' handkerchief, we can name him Maxwell!!!" He looked so cute, talking about our future dog. Oh man, I want to marry him.  Don't get me wrong, I am NOT gay; I'm just in love with my best friend, whom I also want to marry. But that doesn't make us gay dude! Were both wearing socks , so it isn't gay at all man. Not gay, nope, that ain't me. I'm just comfortable with my sexuality, so I can admit.. when I see a guy, who has a hansom face and pretty eyes, and a rock hard chest, and rippilin' abs, and the tightest ass and those sculpted calves and those bulding quads and the perfect bod and...

"Oh my god take your pants off."

"Uhhh, Arin... You started doing that thing were you talk about how not gay you are." Dan was staring at me with a suspicious look in his eyes. "I swear, if you're envisioning Colonel Sanders sweet  sweet meat, I'm gonna beat up the entirety of KFC." Shit, shit, shit, shit. He saw through me, he's seen past my facade! 

"Sorry Dan, Colonel Sanders is my true love. I can't resist his eleven spiced meat." Dan GASPED. 

"That motherfucker, I knew it would come to this! I knew I should've killed him during the war!!!" He lifted, himself off the bed, and gestured to the sky with open arms.

"God! You have FORSAKEN me!!!" He got down on his knees. "You didn't give me functional sweat glands, I bet you gave them to Colonel. HE'S SWEATING FOR DAYS AND I'M OVERHEATING  IN THE CLUB!!!!!!!!" I fucking loose it. Why the fuck does he choose to express his character development in  a hospital?

"Daniel, we're in a hospital, please keep the forsaken by god thing to  a minimum." Hah, it's funny cause I said that in chapter one, haha... bro, who the fuck writes that shit? Only crazy people could come up with this man. 

My train of thought is interrupter by Doctor Minerva and Emily. They both look frazzled. Emily's tie is askew and Minervas neck has red lipstick prints on it- I notice that they're the same color as Emily's lipstick, which has faded considerably since a few moments ago. The two look at Dan, who is still on the floor with his arms raised to god, and they both sigh. 

"God fuckin.... Dan, please get off the floor." Minerva sounds 101% done with this shit, it takes a second but I realize that she too has small hickies on her neck. Dan quickly gets off the floor and sits himself on the chair next to my bed. 

"Alright, so have you two made a decision? Because I wanna eat out some McDonald's." Minerva blushes, her gaze locked on the floor. 

"Yeah, we want to make her charges as minimal as plausible." Dan and I look to each other for support, we really need this to go smoothly. 

Emily takes a deep breath before walking over to the table beside my bed- where her suitcase still sits. "Alright, I'll text you with updates and other stuff. cool?" 

"Cool." Dan answers for me, he knows that I'm bad at being cool in front of people. 

Emily takes her suit case and passes Minerva on her way out she whispers something to Minerva, who instantly becomes more flushed. And with that she's gone. 

Doctor Minerva clears her throat, and turns to us. "Mr. Hanson will need to stay here for six days of monitoring. When that's over, weekly visits will occur for no less than three months." She looks to me with a serious gaze. "Leaving your room is fine, but you need to have a staff member with you to ensure your safety." And finally she looks to Dan. "Don't ponder the forsaken nature that god plays within your life on the hospital floor. Like, people are dying dude." Dan smiles awkwardly, and Minerva sighs once more. 

"Visiting hours are about to be over anyway." She turns from us. 

"We're family though, he's my husband." Dan says, and HOLY FUCK DUDE! I just had an inner monologue about how not gay we are, don't fuck up my not gay streak like that!!!!

"Hah!  Yeah NO, I know whats up man." Doctor minerva glances back to us. "I REALLY don't trust you two to not have sex here, trust me it's not at fun as it seems unless you're into exhibition."  She opens the door of the room, her mood just super wack. "You can come back tomorrow, come on." 

Dan and I lock eyes, he smiles shyly. I feel myself chuckle. 

"Don't get Stake n' Shake without me, I can and will take it as a personal offence." He clicks his tongue before giving me a quick kiss and squeezing my hand.

"Wouldn't dream of it babe." 

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