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"Why does this robot have fat fucking tits?"

~Shrek to his wife, on their honeymoon, to the BDSM palace. 

Dan's POV:

The small walk to Suizis room had forced my anxiety to crawl to my throat, where it sat- ready to drop the moment something happened. I refused to let go of Arin's hand, UNLIKE HIM, I didn't trust Suzi to not try something again. But in front of the door, he hesitated, gaze distant yet afraid. 

"We don't have to do this now." Even my own voice had surprised me, so gentle and soft compared to the usual tone I carried. Arin lifted his free hand, not letting go of my hand; his gaze shifted from the distance it had carried to a more determined and present one. He squeezed my hand. 

"We have to do this now." Arin and I made eye contact, he was worried and that much was apparent in his tight grip on my hand. But he really did want to try to be friends with her again, even after everything she did. 

I nodded, squeezed his hand tight, and walked in with him. 

Suzi was awake, turned towards the window as Amy worked to change the bandages. The two of them hadn't noticed us yet, they probably hadn't heard us come in.

"Well yeah, but you had told them you wanted to try and make things better. Showing up drunk and carrying a gun doesn't really say 'I'm trying to make up for almost killing your boyfriend.'" Amy was talking to Suzi in a calm and collected tone, we had shown up during the middle of their conversation. Neither Arin or I made a move to make our presence shown. 

"I was drunk, I didn't want to see Arin happy with Dan. I thought if I was drunk it would hurt less." Suzi winced as Amy redid her bandages, Amy softly apologized. 

"But they did want to be friends with you again, they were trying their best to save the small relationship you had." Amy cut the last of the bandage and gathered it and her clipboard in her hand. 

"'re right." Suzi took a long breath, a hand went to her face. "God, he must hate me for what I did to them." She started sobbing, her form curling into a ball as she tried to keep her breathing right. Amy's reaction was instantaneous, she gathered Suzi in her arms as she sobbed. 

"They gave you a chance before. I don't know them well, but, I'm sure they would try again!" Amy was so confident in her words as Suzi turned towards the nurse to hug her better. 

Arin cleared his throat, causing Amy and Suzi to turn towards us. Amy's brows furrowed while more tears flew into Suzi's eyes. 

Amy must have sensed the tension of the situation because she slowly let go of Suzi and removed herself from the room. 

"...Arin!" She sounded so weak, her voice cracking as she used one hand to reach towards him. But, she must have seen our hands looped together because she quickly lowered her arm and started crying harder. 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." As she spoke, her voice became louder and more filled with emotion. Her hands gripped the bed sheets around her. "I just, I wanted to change your mind and make you happy with me again. I-I thought, if Dan was gone, you would love me again." The sobs were ripping through her now, she panted in desperation to breathe. "I just wanted you back, and I hurt you because I WAS SELFISH!" Suzi was yelling now, her body was shaking as she tried to explain her actions. 

There was a moment of hesitation again, the room only filled with her pained breaths. 

"You were selfish, you hurt Dan and me because of it." I turn towards him, ready to say something to fix this, but Arin was stone to her. He wanted to say this, it wasn't a matter of decency or empathy, just his true thought. "You tried to kill Dan, twice, and its hard for me to look past something like that but I still want to. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, help you get better, but I can't be the only one trying." Arin's expression remained the same, his eyes fixed on Suzi.

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