Dropped Charges

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~One author to the other before a long conversation about why we shouldn't kill Arin in a fanfiction about Dan and Arin- please don't murder him, dude. 

Dan's POV: 

The ambulance had arrived fifteen minutes after I had called, two paramedics came to Arin and I and another had gone to Suzi. They were trying to ask me questions, what happened, what blood type was Arin, who shot him? But I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see through the tears, I could barely let go of Arin when they arrived. 

They were yelling orders, I couldn't hear them at all. The water was rushing into me, the water was so deep and dark and cold. God he was leaving, god he was shot, god he was dying in my arms. 

It's my fault,  It's my fault, It's my fault, It's my fault, It's my fault, ITS MY FAULT. I saw the gun, I COULD HAVE STOPPED HER, I could have stepped in front of him. BUT I DIDN'T AND NOW HE WAS FUCKING DYING. 

It's my fault, he got hurt because of me; it's my fault that he got shot if he wasn't around me he wouldn't be dying on the kitchen floor. I'm the problem, It's me that's caused this. It's my fault, It's my fault, It's my fault, It's my fault, It's my fault, It's my fault, It's my fault, It's my fault, It's my fault. I can't breathe, I can't fucking breathe. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. 

I could feel a weight on my shoulders, the paramedics had draped a shock blanket on me. It was warm. 

Oh my god. 

They ushered Arin on a gurney and pushed him and I into the ambulance, they had given me a shock blanket and continued to ask me questions and tell me of Arins condition according to their observations. Arin had given Suzi the benefit of the doubt, he didn't want her to get in trouble for her actions.

But I couldn't do that, she had tried to kill me and had hurt Arin because of it. 

"Suzi Hanson, she tried to shoot me but she missed and got Arin." I was crying again, Arin moved in front of me- he had sacrificed himself for me. He was slipping in and out of consciousness as we drove to the same hospital I had been in, not even three days ago. "When she shot him, she tried to run and I just punched her." I didn't feel anything, no guilt or remorse to her. I only wanted Arin to be okay, her well being was no longer my concern. 

She was dead to me the minute she pulled the gun. 


Within the waiting room of the hospital, I was pacing back and forth. They had taken Arin to the emergency room for surgery and Suzi was getting a CAT scan for her nose. The police had talked to me about the situation, but couldn't do anything until Suzi was treated and Arin could verify the story. I wanted to have her arrested immediately, but I couldn't make that decision without him. He needed to be there for it. 

The surgery had taken two hours, thankfully the bullet had an exit hole- if there was no exit hole the bullet would still be in his shoulder and the removal process would take far longer- and Arin simply needed to be monitored for a week, and continue with weekly visits for a month at least. But otherwise, he would be okay. 

The feeling of instantaneous relief that filled me made me cry. He would be okay, I wasn't losing him. She didn't kill him, she could be held accountable for her actions. 

Doctor Minerva was the one to give me the information, her gaze cold but tone anything but. "Suzie Hanson had Arin listed as her emergency  contact, however since he too was harmed the situation falls to her parents." Minerva had a cool way of speaking, it seemed she wasn't breathing at times. "To my knowledge, this is a case of self-defense and your action of breaking her nose- which, by the way, will predominately disfigure her- was one justified by the situation at hand. Legal matters will continue to be handled by you and Mr. Hanson when Mrs. Hanson is granted leave she will be arrested, however." Her expression never changed, and her monotone voice harshly carried true weight to it. She was cold, but that cold was deeply needed for the situation. "I'm a doctor, not a lawyer, however, so take what I say with a grain of salt. Harvard lost a wonderful lawyer upon my denial, the bastards."Minerva murmured to herself, the plot thickens!

After the interlude of me talking to the wonderful, and might I add, wrongfully denied lawyer Minerva; I was finally able to see Arin again. 

He was in a hospital gown, the gauze that covered his wound peaking out from the neckline of the gown. Tubes connected him to IV fluid and an EKG, he was still sleeping- the sleeping gas they had given him was still in effect- but he was okay. It took me a moment of looking at him to realize what had happened, thanks to Suzi my best friend, my soulmate was shot and in the ER. Anger coursed through me, she had shown up to our home drunk and shot my best fucking friend because she couldn't cope with the fact that he was happy.  Shes tried to kill me twice and shot my boyfriend as a result. She was already on thin fucking ice, but now, she was surrounded by ice water and I wouldn't try to help her out. 

I placed myself at his side and took his hand into mine. The steady beat of the EKG calmed my nerves, the darkness of my mind had been plaguing me since he fell to the floor. Now, it tugged my mind towards a truth I had realized myself yet.

I couldn't live without him, when he was bleeding out on our kitchen floor I could only blame my own self. The thought of losing him had sent me into a panic attack, he was the one thing I couldn't lose. He was so important to me. 

It was me that hurt him, me being with him is what hurt him. If I continue to be with him, he's only gonna get hurt again. I shouldn't be with him, I shouldn't be loving him if he gets hurt because of it.

Arin stirred, his hand gripping my own. 

"Dan?" His voice was groggy and his tone confused. I met his gaze the moment he spoke, tears welling up in my eyes all over again. 

"Hey..." My own voice cracked under pressure, he was awake. Thank god he was okay, he was finally here again. Thank god, he was here. 

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