Video Conventions

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"What type of apple, Granny Smith? She's a whore."

-Bill Gates mere moments after Steve Jobs proposed a huge business idea.

Arin's POV

Seeing as the fucking batshit crazy teenage girls that seemingly write our lives have attempted to kill us time after time, we haven't been able to do much of anything on the Grumps channel. So with Vid-Con coming up, we decided we had to go. We set up " A Day Out With Dan and Arin." Where we get a huge meet up at a park near Vid-Con for the second half of the day. The fans were super into it when we tweeted about it. 

As we get ready to leave for the convention. Dan bounces excitedly around the house. He loves meeting the fans, ever since Ninja Sex Party, Dan has had a pretty close connection with all of his fans. They're a huge family to him. I, however am pretty anxious about the whole thing. What if it slips that we're together? As I finish getting ready Dan practically pushes me out the door. 

"Come on babe, let's goooo." He says urging my to the car. 

"Dan, you need to chill the fuck out." I say climbing into the passenger seat. As Dan hops into the drivers seat and starts driving. We make it to Vid-Con and Dan jumps out, unpacking the bags from our car and handing me a couple. We walk inside to our booth and get it set up. 

As the doors open and fans start flooding in, our table has a line of people in no time. One after another, it all starts to blur together. We are given so much artwork and so many gifts, and by the end of the first half of the day, we had about five different guards helping us carry bags to our car. After getting completely packed we decide to hit Steak and Shake on our way to the park, because as per usual I was really craving an oreo milkshake. (Steak and shake if you don't sponsor us we will open a restaurant called stak shak, that's a threat.) I order an orea milkshake and Dan orders some cheese fries and a peanut butter milkshake and we park in the parking lot.

"You ready for this?" I ask and Dan bounces in his seat.

"You have no idea, I love our fans, I can't wait to get to know them better than just them getting five seconds to shove drawings in our faces." He says eating his cheesy fries quite messily getting the cheese on his chin. I get PTSD flashbacks before grabbing a napkin and wiping it off for him. After we finish eating we start towards the park and pull in seeing a large group of people already sitting in the grass together. Many of them wearing Game Grumps merch. Dan jumps out and bounds towards the people.

"HERE'S A LIST OF THINGS BRIAN LIKES TO SUCK!" He yells and all the fans perk up and start laughing before my boyfriend, my future husband, the love of my life, gets a sea of children to start screaming 'dick' in the middle of a public park. The fans eat him up and he is glowing. He is running around giving hugs and having conversation with all of our fans as I follow quietly. He is so much better at these things. Soon I get into the element and join the conversations. 

Until a specific fan approaches us. Something about her doesn't sit right with me. I don't know if its the look she gives Dan or how she speaks but something about her reminds me of how I felt in the car with Jason. She makes me want to shrink into myself and run. I tug on Dan's shirt and he shakes me off hugging the girl and chatting with her casually. I find myself inching away my body wanting out. Which is so silly, this girl is probably 5'2 and like 120 pounds. She is tiny but something about her, just fucks with me. Since the incident with Jason, it's only been guys that I get anxious about so why is this girl different. Why is she, out of all the people we've met today, all the men, she is who makes me feel like I'm suffocating.

Finally she leaves and I feel like I can breathe again. I pull Dan aside and tell the fans we'll be right back. "What was the name of that girl you were just talking to?" I ask and he smiles warmly.

"Oh that was Samara, wasn't she sweet?" He says his whole stature still glowing with happiness from everything.

"Oh, yeah..." I say looking down, not wanting to ruin this for him with my silly mental problems. I try to go through the motions of the rest of the day, slowly I feel better, occasionally getting the feeling in waves but it passing pretty quick. Soon it was 10pm and people were starting to leave so we packed up and headed home. I offer to cook dinner and Dan nods happily looking like he's on cloud nine. As we drive the feeling comes back. Now less of a scream and more of a whirring sitting right on my temples. I look in the rear view mirror and see a black sedan with tinted windows driving behind us. I think nothing of it and try to lay my head on the window to sleep as Dan drives us home. 

When I wake back up we're about five minutes from the house. As I look around in the mirrors trying to get my bearings I think I see the same Sedan about four cars behind us, but I'm probably just imagining things, it's super dark outside.

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