Breaking tensions

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"I took two consecutive naps and my brain is basically god because of it."

~The authors

Dan's Pov:

It just felt like I was sleeping. Dark, calm, cold but sleep regardless. There were times where I felt like I could move, that I should move, but I never could.

I wanted to get up, truly I did, but no matter how hard I fought I couldn't do it.

Until July 7th, 2013.

The room was bright; new smells and sights overwhelmed me immediately. Before I knew it, or even what was going on, a nurse walked into the room and gasped. I was awake, but I'm sure it had only been a few days...

What happened?

The nurse had gone and then come back with a new doctor, her nameplate read 'Doctor. Minerva'. The nurse, her name was Amy, had began to check the machines to my left as Doctor Minerva used the rooms phone to call someone. I was really really confused. The doctor turned to me with a smile.

"Hello, Daniel. My name is Lane Minerva, feel free to call me what ever you want though," she had a chart in her hand and a gentle expression. I felt I could trust her, "and you've been in a coma for the past two months."

Two months? The atmosphere of the room went cold, my blood rushing as she continued to talk. Had it really been that long? Why had I gone into a coma, what happened to cause this? Everything felt cold, the room, the bed, even my own self. Where's Arin?

Suddenly a hand was on my shoulder, Minerva was beside me now.

"Arin Hanson? He's been visiting you every week since your arrival, I just told the nurse's at the front desk to call him, he should be here soon." I must have said what I was thinking out loud without realizing it. But the relief that washed through me was intense, he was okay. And he had been visiting me every week for two months. I must have worried him so much.

Minerva walked me through a few questions, making sure that the 'trauma you induced hasn't affected your memory or mental functions.' As she did, more and more became clear from that night. Had Suzi really hurt me? Minerva didn't say anything at all regarding to that.

Maybe I had made it up?

I didn't know. I don't think Suzi would hurt me, why would she? We were friends, I was at their house with Arin and suddenly I'm here at the hospital... Did I do something to make her mad?

Doctor Minerva cleared her throat. I had gone silent.

"We'll work on making sure your motor functions are working properly after tomorrow, for now we'll make sure you keep consciousness and get some proper food in you." Minerva smiled, she was trying to ensure I didn't relapse into sleep because of shock. She was trying to help, the least I could do was listen to her. But I couldn't speak, just nodding my head in affirmation to her statement.

And with that she was gone.

Finally, I was able to take in my surroundings. The room was small, mostly filled with machines, but had a warm and cozy feeling to it. To my right was two chairs and a small table with red chrysanthemums on it, a note in front of it with my name sprawled on its cover. Instinctively I reached over and started to read it.

'Hey Danny! We love you so so much, and we'll be there to visit when you wake up! Love you, always and forever, Mom.' I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, I must have worried them so much. Two months is too long. I wanted to see them soon, they were probably on their way along with Arin...

Arin? something had happened that day. He was upset for some reason and had left my house, I think? I racked my memories for what had happened that day, it was all kind of blurry. But I felt like something really important happened... I could feel my fingers on my lips.

Had we?

The memory relayed, standing on the bridge with my best friend as the sun had risen. We were talking, must have been any way, and then we...

We kissed.

The moment I realized the door to my room opened and he was here.

Arin, my best friend, was standing at the cusp of the door his breaths shallow and shaking. His eyes brimming with tears. Just looking at him brought everything back at once, what Suzi did, what happened, why we had kissed. Everything clicked back into place and Arin must have seen that it had, because he rushed into the room and took my body into his. He was shaking, his voice overshadowed by tears. I could feel myself tearing apart as he held onto me like I was a fragile baby. I wrapped my arms around him and let the tears flow.

We were like that for what felt like hours, till Arin finally let me go. He looked so filled with relief as he interlocked his fingers with my own. I could feel myself smiling at him.

"Hey." I said, my voice was weak and quiet but still there. Arin shuddered, a few more tears running down his face. His free hand traveled along my jaw and to my cheek, there was silence for another moment before he leaned forward to place his forehead on my own.

"I missed you." He said, and I could feel all the pain he had been living in for two months. I used my free hand to steady myself as I finally was able to kiss him once more.

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