Ruined Dinners

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"Harvard does NOT get to know how big my dick is!"

-The CEO of Steak n' Shake, might be Bill Gates or that bitch Mark Zhuccuniie.

Arin's POV

I read and reread the email, making sure I was understanding correctly. I haven't seen Jason in years, I know it was because of the episode that he decided to reconnect, but why not sooner? I see Dan standing across the room looking down at me with an unreadable expression. I shoot him a goofy expression and he cracks a smile.

"Should I reply?" I ask biting my lip indecisively. The previous expression he held is now gone, replaced with a supportive grin. 

"Of course you should." He says walking to the bed and sitting down beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "This was one of your best friends, and he wants to reconnect. You have to go for it." He says and I smile and start typing a reply. 


Hey man, It's Arin, I was super surprised to hear from you, here's my number dude text me, *** ****." I press send and Dan's grip tightens slightly. Roughly two minutes after I press send I already receive a text.

J: Hey, it's Jason, is this Arin?

A: Yeah, hey dude. How ya been?

J: Pretty good dude, living my best life.

A: That's awesome, how are things with Meg?

As I type it Dan makes a confused noise. 

"Meg?" He asks.

"His girlfriend at the time." I say and he just nods.

J: Ah, we broke up pretty soon after we all stopped meeting up. 

A: Oh that sucks man, that really was a long time ago.

J: It's cool, what about you and Suzi?

A: Oh we split a few months ago.

J: Oh I'm sorry, wanna go get lunch with me today, get caught up on everything?

Dan grips the sleeve of my shirt and shifts beside me. I look up at him and see his face twist from anger into a false calm.

"Are you okay love?" I ask and he smiles gently.

"Of course, are you gonna meet up with him?" He asks but I can see reluctance written all over his face.

"I don't know, I mean it's been years since I've seen him. I probably should." I say and he kisses my cheek.

"Of course darling." He says but I can see he's gritting his teeth. 

A: Yeah sure, Steak n' Shake work?

J: I was thinking Applebee's.

A: But I want an oreo milkshake.

J: Applebees has milkshakes, AND other drinks, for adults.

Dan gets up and starts to leave.

"I gotta pee." He says as he walks out and I sigh. 

A: Sorry I don't drink. Also... If. You. EVER. Catch me drinking an Applebee's milkshake, shoot me on SIGHT!

 I type laughing to myself. 

J: Why don't you drink? That's lame.

A: It's a long story I'll explain later. 

J: Alright, will you go with me if I get you a Steak n' Shake milkshake on the way there?

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