Testing Friendships

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"Technically if I killed myself the problem would be gone."

~Abraham Lincoln

Dan Pov:

Of course, I fucking followed him. He looked like he was gonna barf OR and hear me out on this, wanted me to suck his dick. I didn't want to intrude on his privacy, but I was worried. I DID FUCKING NOT, EXPECT TO HEAR HIM a) MASTURBATE or b)MASTURBATE AND SAY MY FUCKING NAME!!!!

So here I am, my ear to my bathroom door, listening to my best friend- which holy shit I'm sorta fucking gay for- choking his chicken while saying my name and getting a MONSTEROUS erection from it.


Arin, not even fifteen minutes after entering the bathroom, emerges looking like Michel Jackson (he he), finding me leaning forward one hand cupping my ear and the other kinda on my dick- fully hard.

"...............I have to go." He looked green, he refused to look at me. Instead, he rushed past me.

And suddenly, I have plunged into the water again. But this time, he isn't there to help. And he won't ever again. I shouldn't have pushed it, I shouldn't have taken it that far. I could have stopped, but I didn't because I wanted to be selfish. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! What the hell is wrong with me, his feelings are more important than getting off, HIS FEELINGS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR SATISFACTION.

The water is freezing and I can't move, I can't breathe, I can't even see. It's dark and cold and I feel like an asshole. If he was having thoughts about you like that WHY THE FUCK did you try to pull him out with a horny story??

I'm drowning he isn't here to help, he isn't here and I fucked it all up so bad. I have to fix this, I have to talk to him, I have to find him.

Okay, logically, he left the house and went somewhere. I can only assume to his home, with his wife... Shit. Well if Arin went there then I just have to be honest, I have to take that risk to make sure he's okay.


I knock on the door, Suzi answers immediately. She's in her bathrobe, her face littered with worry.

"Dan? What's going on? Where's Arin?" Her voice washed in concern. Shit, he hasn't been here, which honestly makes sense but I don't have the mental capacity to be smart right now. Fuck.

"Uh, ok, so, something happened. Arin got upset, and I thought he'd be here- which is not the case, that's on me- I am going to find him, however. Does he have a comfort place, that isn't here?"

"Uhhhhh, the Steak n' Shake, down the road from here. Daniel, what happened?" She was obviously worried, but I don't want her to beat my ass. So I use the ultimate excuse, never before used on Suzie because I respect women.

"Can't tell you, I am not a fucking narc, toodles!" And I bolt the fuck outta there.

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