Heinous Acts

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"I will NOT die for a furry artist!"

~Jesus talking to sky daddy FIVE minuets before dying  for a furry artist (just one).

Trigger Warning: mentions of rape, assault, death, blood, and gore

Dan's POV: 

I get the texts, I get the texts and I immediately rush to find my boyfriend. I get the texts, I read them over over and over over and over again till the point that it was engraved in my corneas. I see them come in, I get in the car and I start driving my distressed bisexual ass to the Applebee's to help the love of my life from a dude that I knew was bad from the start.

I blank out on the road, my mind keeps repeating worst case scenarios. Arin made that word for emergencies, he made that word so that that we could always know when the other wasn't okay. He sent me that word three times, in the span of two minutes. He needed me and I needed to protect him. I had to be there for him, and I'm willing to do anything for him. 


I get to the Applebee's, I park- not very well but I don't have the ability to give a fuck- and rush in. Doing a quick search, and ignoring the questions of the waitress at the front, I deduct that he's somewhere private. Private, but still open for the public...

It clicks, the bathroom. I don't acknowledge the waitress and rush to the bathroom. The close I get the more  I hear him, he's being loud but not enough to rouse suspicion. 

I open the door...

Jason has Arin in a corner, and he's taking long drags off a cigarette.

"I liked you from the beginning y'know... but I always thought you were straight. Even when we touched dicks.. Aaah, I was a coward but now..." He takes a long drag of his cigarette, tilting his head. "Now here you are, before me. Wanting me, you can try and deny it, but I know deep down you feel the exact same as me." I take a look around the room, what can I use, what can I do..

I notice, a soap dispenser on the wall is crooked. I think if I could get it off the wall...

"Y'know women are the exact same, they look so scared when you have them in a corner... But it gets me off so good. They try and say something, but when your dad is a CEO well, things slip by. It wasn't rape, they asked for it with the short skirts and flirting they did. To deny me, they were just playing coy..." I make my move as he takes another drag, twisting it more and more till it  comes undone. 

"Pitty. I was hoping when I got you, you'd be more abrasive, make the game fun by making a scene. Too bad, but this will do real good." He takes another drag, and I approach from behind. Arin sees me but doesn't move an inch, he's too afraid. 

"Lets get started then, my little pet." He takes a final drag, I'm ready to hit him full force when he drags the cigarette on Arins collarbone. Arin yelps, tears fill his eyes and mine. 

He hurt him...


Using my full force I bludgeon the soap dispenser into his head. The moment goes in slow motion, Jason hits the floor and I watch as small droplets of blood fallow land on the floor with him. He's down, but not for good. 


I drop the dispenser, and reach towards Arin but he flinches. I begin to freak out, I don't know what to do in this situation, I don't know what to do,  I don't know what to do,  I don't know what to do,  I don't know what to do. It takes me a second but I notice the  stain of flood spreading on Arins shirt. Shit, shit, shit.

"Hey, hey. Look at me hun." I start off gentle, moving myself slowly and keeping my hands in the air. Arin looks at me, but he's in pure flight or  fight. "hey, I'm not going to hurt you...breathe with me, okay? In," I take a breath- making sure he's doing the same, "and out." I let the breath out, and he follows me as we do this a few more times. He comes back to me, the shock subsiding-but not by much. He reaches towards me, and I slowly take his hand in mine.

"Hey, it's just me. I'm here." I keep going slow, letting Arin lead my every movement so that he won't relapse. He grips my hand. 

"Dan-" He starts, before looking back to the presumably unconscious body of Jason. I understand. I cannot let this asshole, a man who hurt and raped women and stabbed my boyfriend, I cannot let him go wothout a punishment. I look to his hands, as expected, the knife is a few centimetres away from his body. I grab it with my sleeve, find his pulse and...

It cuts through flesh far too easily. 

Blood spews from the wound, I look to Arin. He's pale but still okay, still alive. 

I call 911, tell authorities what happened word for word and ask them to send an ambulance. The whole time I'm consoling Arin, keeping pressure on his wound and holding him till the paramedics come. And when they do come, I hold his hand and keep with him the whole time.

And, just like that, Arin and I are back in the hospital. 

And Arin...

Arin is alive, shaken, but alive,

I apologize once the doctors leave, ask him to forgive me- because I couldn't protect him, I couldn't be there for him when he needed it. And Arin, god the love of my life holds me so close to him- crying- and says...

"But you  were, you saved me from him. If you weren't there I...." He hesitates and I say that he doesn't have to talk about it unless he really wanted to. But he cries into my chest and holds me, even when Minerva says that visiting hours are over.

And I hold him too, I cannot let him go again.


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